Most of the time, of course, the casino is favored, but there are instances when the deck favors the player and it’s at those times that making large bets will tilt the overall long-term odds toward the player.
Knowing when to strike with a big bet, however, is no guarantee of success, because even when the odds favor the player, they still only lean in his direction.
when the odds are in your favor, your bet has to be large, but not so big that it jeopardizes your bankroll or your nest egg, as the case may be.
By Bill Gross - Everything You've Heard About Investing Is Wrong # New start #打卡第34天 ☀️☀️☀️
As long as you maintain inner peace, it will be difficult for the outer world to change you. Do not envy others, and do not lose your sense of self.
只要内心不乱,外界就很难改变你什么。不要艳羡他人,不要迷失自己。 ​​​​

How do they make fog in movies?

The kinds of fog that we see in movies are different from natural fog.

Natural fog forms when cold air makes water vapor in the air condense into tiny droplets. The fog can stay for a long time because small air currents keep lifting the droplets upward and mixing them around. Finally, the temperature rises and changes the droplets back into water vapor, which is invisible.

People have found several ways to make fog, usually by using chemicals that are denser than air. These fogs tend to sink to the ground. The simplest way to make fog is to drop dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) into hot water. As the water warms the dry ice, carbon dioxide gas bubbles off the ice and flows up and over the sides of the container. The gas itself is invisible, but it is cold enough to make the water vapor in the air condense into droplets. The water droplets form only in air that mixes with the cold, carbon dioxide gas. That gas is dense, so the fog stays near the ground.

Never touch dry ice without the help of an adult. It’s cold enough to cause frostbite.

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