【我国首个湾区电台粤港澳大湾区之声开播 新媒体平台同步启用 | El Grupo de Medios de China lanza una nueva estación de radio para impulsar la cooperación regional】El Grupo de Medios de China ha lanzado una nueva estación de radio que cubre al área de la Bahía de Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao. Es la primera radio nacional del país diseñada para la región con millones de hablantes de cantonés. Más: https://t.cn/AiRLfZdA

#布莱克法律英语# Overview of Strict Liability (Criminal Law and Tort Law)
In both tort and criminal law, strict liability exists when a defendant is liable for committing an action, regardless of what his/her intent or mental state was when committing the action. In criminal law, possession crimes and statutory rape are both examples of strict liability offenses.

Strict Liability As Applied to Criminal Law
In criminal law, strict liability is generally limited to minor offenses. Criminal law classifies strict liability as one of five possible mentes reae (mental states) that a defendant may have in pursuit of the crime. The other four are "acting knowingly," "acting purposely," "acting with recklessness," and "acting with negligence." The mens rea of strict liability typically results in more lenient punishments than the other four mentes reae. Typically in criminal law, the defendant's awareness of what he is doing would not negate a strict liability mens rea (for example, being in possession of drugs will typically result in criminal liability, regardless of whether the defendant knows that he is in possession of the drugs).

Strict Liability As Applied to Tort Law
In tort law, there are two broad categories of activities for which a plaintiff may be held strictly liable - possession of certain animals and abnormally dangerous activities. Additionally, in the area of torts known as products liability, there is a sub-category known as strict products liability which applies when a defective product for which an appropriate defendant holds responsibility causes injury to an appropriate plaintiff.

【中央支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区 | China convertirá a la ciudad de Shenzhen en un área de demostración】China convertirá a la ciudad meridional de Shenzhen en un área de demostración experimental del socialismo con peculiaridades chinas. Así lo anunciaron el Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China y el Consejo de Estado en un documento publicado el 18 de agosto. La construcción del área de demostración ayudará a profundizar la reforma y a expandir la apertura integralmente, de acuerdo con el documento emitido por el Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China y por el Consejo de Estado. Además, es conducente a la implementación del plan de la Gran Área de la Bahía de Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao y a la materialización del sueño chino de la revitalización nacional. Más: https://t.cn/AiQZwa4A

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