To worry so much about our abilities to resolve queries is juvenile,and with it that someone do not necessarily grasp the key points once the situations change.Therefore,it is obvious how the ability to sober oneself up and figure out the reason to the queries may suits us to address these drawbacks that have eluded the predecessors https://t.cn/8Fv0coU


“把自己拆分 剖析
把所有欲望摊开 晾晒
然后整理 综合——
via.@ 德卡先生的信箱

@NeverLand_手帐公社17 ROCKER&SOBER
@读城纪原创和纸胶带工作室 办公室之家
(表白@变质牛奶其实不是酸的 神仙双手下的新胶带们
@SeekMu 24-Solar-Terms&Theme A&Spring
@阅后即焚-手帐研究所 杯中之物
@SUKIl工作室 格纹黑

跟着@-噜呐呐呐- (小朋友)老师学的透卡 第一次贴断断续续 终于难产出来了[二哈]

传送组织@手帐展览馆@文具手帐万事屋@手帐控万事屋 @手帐演绎法@手帐素材中转站@手帐展览馆 @嫣儿万事屋 @撒米 感谢[心]

In the daytime, I was often muddleheaded as if my brain had been covered with a thin film, and I could not correctly tell the distance, weight and texture of any object. Nevertheless, at set intervals, soft gaps flew to me like slow waves. On the bench of a tram, in the chair of a classroom, or at the seat of dinner, I would fall into hazy sleep before I knew it. My consciousness drifted away from my body shortly afterwards. The world was trembling silently, shaking all sorts of things off onto the ground. I truly wanted to lie flat on the stomach there, and then sink into the depth of dreamland. But I can’t. Sobriety coveting nearby, I could feel the cold shadow of it. That was the shadow of my own. It was strange. I wondered as I nearly fall asleep. I am on the inner side of my shadow. I am walking, eating and talking with people in the unseen world that is blunt and has no feeling. Incredibly, no one around me perceived that I was left in this kind of strange situation. I lost 6 kilograms that month. Even so, none of my families and friends detected this mutation that I was living in a state of sleepiness.

It is true, that I am surely living in my sleep. Around me, inside of me, everything is stagnated and heavy, gloomy and turbid. Even the status that I am living in this world is like an illusion that has no fundament. It seems that if a wind rises, my body would be blown away, to the end of the world, to a foreign land where nobody has ever heard of or seen. There, my body will depart from my consciousness for eternity. So I really want to hold fast to something. But as I turn my eyes in all directions, I see nothing that I could hold tight.

Every time when the night came, the fierce sobriety struck me. Facing it, I had no idea of what to do. I was fixed on the core of sobriety by a powerful strength. The strength was so powerful that I had no choice but to stay sober till daybreak. In the dark of the night, I was as awake as the day. I could not even think. Listening to the sound of the clock that engraves time, I could only gaze into the darkness when it got darker little by little, and then lighter, bit by bit.

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