instant feeling
1.a vague,constant desire for sththat does not and can not exist.
2.the act ofrepeatedly look outside to check
3. the subtle, often unnoticed action of listening and gauging
4.the feeling of butterflies in stomach usually sth exciting and nervous takes place
4. find beauty in imperfections

[二哈]since the hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism have Shine, then what is the difference between them?
In fact, the root of the problem is the vague of teaching materials, the accomplice is a lot of counseling materials on the nonsense.
Shine is divided into systemic Shine and limited Shine.The whole body Shine is also called true Shine, many occur in the thyroid insufficiency, namely hypothyroidism. The following pathological changes can occur at this time:Skin keratin, dermis Shine,intracellular fluid accumulation of hyaluronic acid, polysaccharide, chondroitin sulfate and water, causing non-SAG edema, can occur in the internal organs (visceral Shine),myocardium, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle, serous cavity can also have mucus effusion.That is at this time the Shine occurred in the body, eight version of the textbook but only to highlight the shin before, resulting in misunderstanding.At this time, the mechanism is reduced thyroid hormone synthesis, leading to protein synthesis disorders, so the inter-tissue mucin deposition, colloid osmotic pressure increased, tissue fluid production increased.
Localized Shine, is an autoimmune thyroid disease, such as hyperthyroidism (Graves disease), one of the external manifestations of the thyroid gland, because it is most common in the bilateral tibial anterior, often known as the anterior tibial mucus edema. In fact, it can also occur in the nose, auricle, upper back, shoulder and other parts, this uncommon site usually has a history of trauma.
Note: In contrast to hypothyroidism, the edema caused by hyperthyroidism is limited.
The pathological changes are as follows:
Skin lesions are often symmetrical, high out of leather, the size of different, thickening, coarse, and occasionally pigmentation.
The possible mechanisms are as follows:
In fact, its mechanism is not fully clear, may be related to the autoimmune reaction of hyperthyroidism, so it can also be seen in Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
The fibroblasts of the patient's skin can be seen by the TSH receptor-like immune activity protein, cell immunity and humoral immunity are involved, stimulating fibroblast proliferation, active, and then produce a large number of glucosamine amino dextran, deposition in the tissue caused by local Shine.
At this time the condition is not related to the level of thyroid hormone, and the degree of autoimmune.
Therefore, are Shine, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are actually very different.

[sad feelings quotes]
When a person indulges in a fantasy, he will fantasize into a vague flavor, as a real wine. You drink for the sake of getting drunk; I drink to sober up from other kinds of drunkenness.

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