Happy birthday @TFBOYS-王源 I don't know if you could read and see this but I still want to greet you a happy happy birthday, I wish you all the best and good health please take care of yourself and just keep smiling and be happy.Do whatever you want as long as it can make you happy. I hope I was able to send you my true feelings as your fan happy 18th birthday 王源 [Aloha][Aloha][Aloha][给你小心心]。

【CCPIT Chairperson met with Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industries of Panama】
Chairperson of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Gao Yan met with Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industries of Panama Nestor Gonzalez in Zhuhai on November 1
Gonzalez paid his visit to China as he was attending the 12th China-Latin America and the Caribbean (China-LAC) Business Summit.
Gao Yan congratulated Panama for acquiring the host of the 13th China-LAC Business Summit in 2019. Gao said, the cooperation potentials in all sectors between China and Panama have been unleashed and the bilateral economic and trade cooperation have seen rapid progress since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 2017. CCPIT is willing to cooperate with Ministry of Commerce and Industries of Panama to promote the bilateral economic and trade relations.
Gonzalez thanked CCPIT for accepting the request for Panama to host the 13th China-LAC Business Summit in 2019. He said, the Ministry of Commerce and Industries of Panama is willing to further relations with CCPIT to jointly host next year’s China-LAC business summit to deepen bilateral economic and trade cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win development by favor of the Belt and Road Initiative.(来源:CCPIT官网https://t.cn/EAPT9v6)

Its been a 20-year journey for Tencent, and the massive ecosystem that they have built is nothing short of extraordinary.

How will Tencent change the world in the next 20 years? Endless opportunities, and most certainly constant growth. I'm truly glad to come on board this year as Tencent celebrates a remarkable milestone. Their 20th Anniversary theme is "River", which is a nod to the company continuously flowing forward and also referencing to the potential of a digital river powered by their technology. I say let's turn this River into the Ocean!

Happy Birthday Tencent! If you were celebrating your 20th birthday as Tencent, what will you wish for?

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