
I kill it because we cannot stay in the same room. I kill it because we cannot stay in the same room with me sleeping. I kill it because I might look away and not see it there on the wall when I look back. I kill it because I’m I might spend all night hunting it. I kill it because I am afraid to go near enough with glass and paper to carry it outside. I kill it because I have been told to. I kill it by slapping my shoe against the wall because I have been told to do it that way. I kill it standing as far away as possible and stretching my hand holding the shoe towards it. I kill it because it has been making me shake out the bedclothes, look inside my shoes, scan the walls at night. I kill it with two fast blows in case one isn’t enough. I kill it because I can. I kill it because it cannot stop me. I kill it because I know it is there. I kill it so that its remains are on the heel of my shoe. I kill it so that its outline with curved sting is on my wall. I kill it to feel sure I will live. I kill it to feel alive. I kill it because I’m weaker than it is. I kill it because I do not understand it. I kill it without looking at it. I kill it because I’m not good enough to let it live. I kill it out of the corner of my eye, remembering it is black, vertical, stock still on the white wall. I kill it because it will not speak to me.



I must not fear, fear is the mind killer, fear is the little death that brings total obliteration, I will face my fear, I will permit it to pass over me and through me, and when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path, where the fear has gone there will be nothing only I will remain.

peace of I.
thank you,
I love you!

【青海果洛州玛多县再发5.1级地震|Sismo de 5,1 grados de magnitud golpea provincia china de Qinghai】Un terremoto de 5,1 grados de magnitud sacudió el distrito de Maduo de la prefectura autónoma tibetana de Golog, en la provincia noroccidental china de Qinghai, a las 10:29 (hora de Beijing) del sábado día 22 de mayo, informó el Centro de Redes Sismológicas de China. El epicentro fue monitoreado en los 34,85 grados de latitud norte y 97,50 grados de longitud este, a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros, según el centro. Más:

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