Some ideas on philosophy(5)
further studing on Exm
Exm is a abstract of anything perceted by consciousness,according to the definition by me.It is somewhat similarly with the concept of Idea in Plato philosophy.You may think that there is perfect imaginery for everything.For instance,perfect circle is the perfect imaginery of everything which is approximate to a circle,such as the moon,the sun,a plate.a ball.....。
However,there is'nt any perfect circle in universe,any way.In fact,any circle drawed by any person would be a unperfect circle!There must be somewhat flaws。
Why is there a perfect imaginery of circle in consciousness even if there is'nt any perfect circle in reality!According to Plato,this is because there is a Idea world and every perfect things do exist in it!Again fallowing Plato,the things in reality are just the projects of Ideas in Idea world,yet,which are sceexed and ugly!
In the light of Plato,everything in Idea world is perfect while everything in reality is ugle with some flaws.
However,in my opinion,Ideas are Exms in fact!It is only a psychological phenomelon that people have a perfect imaginery of everything they perceted in their consciousness.The "Idea" is not in Idea word but brain!
It is me who puts Plato's Idea down to reality world from Idea world.Furthermore,Plato's Idea is somewhat the same as my Exm,and the fact that human's brain has the ability to form the Exm of everything they percepted is resulted from Economic principle of brain,not God!

Bombay Bicycle Club are celebrating the anniversary of their debut album with a demos EP and some live shows.

‘I Had the Blues But I Shook Them Loose’ came out ten years ago today, on 3rd July 2009; it was followed by ‘Flaws’ (2010), ‘A Different Kind of Fix’ (2011), and ‘So Long, See You Tomorrow’ (2014).

The new seven-track EP ‘Demos 2004-2008’ is streaming now, and features material that didn’t originally make the cut for the album.


#Viola Helen# 一首诗
iIf you care about someone, Make them a priority. Make them a priority, not just when it's easy, But when it is difficult as well. b.......But loving someone When they are wearing their flaws like an apology, When they are breaking down. Or when they are carrying hurt within them. That is, when it means the most. That is when you must show up for them.

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