1. Ain’t = Am not/are not/is not
E.g. I ain’t sure.

2. Ain’t = Has not/have not
E.g. He ain’t finished yet.

3. Wanna = Want to
E.g. I wanna go home

4. Wanna = Want a
E.g. I wanna coffee.

5. Whatcha = What have you
E.g. Whatcha got there?

6. Kinda = Kind of
E.g. She’s kinda cute.

7. Sorta = Sort of
E.g. I’m sorta tired

8. Outta = Out of
E.g. I’m outta money.

9. Alotta = A lot of
E.g. I eat alotta cake.

10. Lotsa = Lots of
E.g. I have lotsa money

1. Ain’t = Am not/are not/is not
E.g. I ain’t sure.
2. Ain’t = Has not/have not
E.g. He ain’t finished yet.
3. Wanna = Want to
E.g. I wanna go home
4. Wanna = Want a
E.g. I wanna coffee.
5. Whatcha = What have you
E.g. Whatcha got there?
6. Kinda = Kind of
E.g. She’s kinda cute.
7. Sorta = Sort of
E.g. I’m sorta tired
8. Outta = Out of
E.g. I’m outta money.
9. Alotta = A lot of
E.g. I eat alotta cake.
10. Lotsa = Lots of
E.g. I have lotsa money

#英文王子[超话]# 【英语口语中最常用的非正式缩略词】
1. Ain’t = Am not/are not/is not
E.g. I ain’t sure.
2. Ain’t = Has not/have not
E.g. He ain’t finished yet.
3. Wanna = Want to
E.g. I wanna go home
4. Wanna = Want a
E.g. I wanna coffee.
5. Whatcha = What have you
E.g. Whatcha got there?
6. Kinda = Kind of
E.g. She’s kinda cute.
7. Sorta = Sort of
E.g. I’m sorta tired
8. Outta = Out of
E.g. I’m outta money.
9. Alotta = A lot of
E.g. I eat alotta cake.
10. Lotsa = Lots of
E.g. I have lotsa money

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