如果说,空间设计的展示,是设计师对于文化表达、空间架构和艺术重组能力的展现,那么家的搭配与创造,大概是设计师对于自我内心最本真的剖析与展露。在这个不带杂念、不受他人理念影响的纯粹空间里,倾听、感受、对话,都是基于自己开始——只考虑房间与主人的关系,不过而已。对于我们的设计师Josh Wen而言,家是心灵自由沉浮、开花结果的一所静处。于是在这闹市中,便有了一方远离喧嚣的自在空间。
As a designer, the exhibition of space design shows the skills of cultural expression, spatial organization and artistic restructuring. Then the idea of building and decorating his own house, might be the most authentic analysis and revelation of designer’s inner self . In this pure space without any distractions and ideas of others, listening, feeling, talking, all of these are started from his heart, just between he and his room. As for Josh Wen, the founder of Fusion Design, home is a pure land where things can be able to comport themselves as they want. Therefore, tranquil and leisurely space comes into the city.

HOME, starts from hitting it off.

“My wife Suki and I devoted a lot to design and decorate for our home. According to our habits and aesthetic concepts, three little rooms were made into two suites with bathrooms. We really enjoyed it because of the identical opinions and taste.”

△沙发 | 写意空间Ligne Roset的Togo系列
Sofa | Ligne Roset, Togo series

The whole space makes the neutral shades as the key tone, enriching the home’s characters and styles through using different elements, such as the edges of sculptures, the type of lights, material quality of furniture, the contrast between colors and the expressions of artworks, etc.

The obvious visual contrast breaks the limitation of individual design style, but attains aconspicuous and harmonious balance through the subtle gradation of colors and lines. Back to the natural and elegant home life, in the mean time, adding humanistic feelings and artistic flavors to it, which can express the owner’s understanding and thinking of life better.

△艺术家DALI CHEN,《Cosmos》系列
Artist | DALI CHEN, 《Cosmos》series

Living room

The living room keeps using the neutral shades which are gentle and soft. The hue is checkered with mild light and shadow, ornaments the inner space in company with a plain long table, floppy furniture, crude potteries, clear porcelains, everlasting plants and so on, to create a space which can be touched and filled with inclusiveness. 

Walking into the room, we will be embraced with a warn environment. Interacting with object in the room, at the same time, we are also starting to interact with time and space. In the peaceful environment while time moves tenderly, the composure and spirit will be nourished silently. 


Going back to the basic function of bedroom, we continue to use the neutral shades as a simple style, to make the body’s comfort as the design’s metric, to create a delicate and intimate experience by soft and leisurely furniture. The big wardrobes in the main bedroom perfectly meet the storage requirement. The group of wooden baskets and rattan products creating a casual atmosphere. The glass wall of the main bathroom reduces the feeling of boundary but also keeps independence and privacy between bedroom and bathroom. The light and shadow eddied and shifted while the misty figures swayed gracefully.

Looking out from the dining area, we can see the other suite which is combined by two small rooms. There is a piano surrounded by a rattan screen that helps the bed behind it can create more private and safe feeling.

In order to match the style of home,
designer bought this matt teak piano from Japan.

Bai Mengfan的《Rothko’s window I》
Artist | Bai Mengfan, 《Rothko’swindow I》

FUN, comes from the agile transformation.

“We’d like to transform some space and combine some functions agilely. For that, every space would be used as much as possible instead of leaving it empty. ”

Constructing the space with beauty and practicality is the designer’s self-requirement. Unlike the traditional layout that each area has its own function, Josh breaks rules and weakens the boundary agilely. The structure and emotions of spaces are released and match when the place is changing. The interesting vision could be seen everywhere, that not only adds layers of the space but also finish the vision’s transition and continuity, enrich the interactions between space to people, men to men.

Yang Wan的《7:17pm》
Artist | Yang Wan, 《7:17pm》

A part of kitchen

Josh moved the kitchen’s counter outward and combined with dining table, in order to create a 3.7 meters long table. People can prepare food on the table before meal time, they can also drink, eat or work on it. The long table looks like a bond of the kitchen, which can link with other spaces naturally, eliminate the area’s boundary and connect delicacy with lifestyle. Here, you can smell the flowers and enjoy the tea-time with your friends. And you can also communicate with your family intimately when you prepare food.
The particularity of a private home requests designer to consider the functionality, and to pay attention to the privacy of life. The secondary bathroom skillfully arranged two doors. One of them leads on to the balcony, and it will open when guests come. Meanwhile, the door leading on to the secondary bedroom will be closed, so this bathroom will become a convenient temporary public bathroom. Publicity and privacy will make transformation easily because of these two doors.

设计师 | Grant Featherson
Dinning chairs from Australia, 1960
Designer | Grant Featherson

设计师 | Pierre Jeanneret
Rattan teak bench
Designer | Pierre Jeanneret

AESTHETIC, is showing attitudes everywhere.

“Most of the furniture were bought abroad, some of them bought from domestic brands, and the paintings are originals by artists from China or abroad. These overseas productions have a long trek by sea or air, and finally become members of our home. Sometimes, we bring some interesting ornaments back home during the vacation. And now, we start collecting some masters’ works gradually.”

Art is the eye of space and shows the space more complete and full. Colors and shapes are intermediaries of emotions expressing. They connect to each other between spots, emanate their own moods and accomplish a dialogue between space and men. Art works will excite people’s feelings when we see them, and will have dignified the meanings through the reflections from people. In a manner of speaking,  appropriate artistic decorations create an achievement of men, art, and space.

Josh and Suki took an iron candlestick home and got a lucky story when they were travelling in Sri Lanka. They met a workmate of master Bawa by accident and to be invited to visit his villa, which was also designed by Bawa.

△1955年原产自丹麦的气球扶手椅Balloon chair
设计师 | Hans Olsen
Balloon chair from Denmark, 1955
Designer | Hans Olsen

Bai Mengfan的《L.I.M.B.O 15:121》
Artist | Bai Mengfan, 《L.I.M.B.O 15:121》

Basin rack, Qing Dynasty

An ancient pottery from a rural project site

△Space age的壁灯
A wall lamp, Space age

Wilde predicted that aesthetic is the final compound of life and art. All works of art are speaking about their experiences and stories, and be left the trails as time passes by. Collecting memories of time is more like collecting objects. When the memory extend to space, it describes the images with emotional temperature in the living space, reflects interesting or unforgettable fragments, leaves memory signs in the living space, exude the particular charm of the style of Wabi-sabi with modernism.

Name | 项目名称: 

Designer's house | 设计师自宅

Location | 项目地点:

Shenzhen, China|中国 深圳

Area | 设计面积:


Principals in charge|主案设计:

Josh Wen 文志刚|FUSION DESIGN蜚声设计 

FF&E Design软装设计:



Yun Ouyang 欧阳云|隐象建筑摄影

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