the thymus
The photo shows a thymus of a nine month old baby. The thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Inside the thymus, the T cells mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body specifically adapts to foreign invaders. The thymus is larger and more active during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods. In early adolescence, the thymus begins to atrophy and the thymic stroma is replaced primarily by adipose tissue (fat). However, residual T lymphopoiesis continues throughout adult life. In children, the thymus is rosy-gray, soft and lobed on its surfaces. At birth, it is about 4 to 6 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm wide and about 1 cm thick. It is composed of two lobes that lie in the upper midline, extending from below the thyroid in the neck to the cartilage of the fourth rib. It lies below the sternum, rests on the pericardium and is separated from the aortic arch and large vessels by a layer of fascia. The left brachiocephalic vein may even be embedded in the thymus. In the neck, it is in the front and the sides of the trachea, behind the sternum and sternothyroid.
#医学生Medic[超话]# #medicaltalks#

The sense organ of the person cannot be aware of, the earthquake precursor that can measure with special instrument ability only calls the microcosmic precursor of the earthquake, abbreviation microcosmic precursor, basically include the following a few kinds:


【感冒也许能治愈癌症[吃惊]? #能杀死癌细胞的感冒病毒被发现#】Common cold virus could one day be used to cure bladder cancer, a research by University of Surrey and Royal Surrey County Hospital has suggested. According to the study, a strain of cold virus, called coxsackievirus (CVA21), destroys cancerous cells in the organ's inner lining. The study found evidence to show that the virus was highly selective in targeting only cancerous cells in the organ and leaving all other cells intact. The research was conducted on 15 patients with the disease. "Notably, no significant side effects were observed in any patient," said Dr. Hardev Pandha, head of the research team.

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