#HollyGabrielle[超话]#I thought this would be my last time in stemandglory the other day BUT .... apparently there is a cafe in London as well I’ve tried quite a few things on their menu and I cannot recommend the food in this place enough. This is their Yogi Bowl filled with grilled tofu, houmous, the best crackers I’ve ever tasted and lots of other green goodness. lemonem_ily(她姐姐的号) had one of their special sandwiches, but I have also tried the Sunday roast, epic VLT (vegan, lettuce and tomato), banana bread, granola bowl and scrambled tofu. They also serve different cakes and brownies each day, and we went all out with these on our last trip to the cafe in Cam. I had the chocolate orange cake and Em had the chocolate brownie. Definitely write this on your list of top places to eat and you won’t be disappointed And it’s also best eaten with a cap on and in my narnastore tee (classic Holly look right now)

Happy Sunday people

#Holly Gabrielle# I thought this would be my last time in stemandglory the other day BUT .... apparently there is a cafe in London as well I’ve tried quite a few things on their menu and I cannot recommend the food in this place enough. This is their Yogi Bowl filled with grilled tofu, houmous, the best crackers I’ve ever tasted and lots of other green goodness. lemonem_ily(她姐姐的号) had one of their special sandwiches, but I have also tried the Sunday roast, epic VLT (vegan, lettuce and tomato), banana bread, granola bowl and scrambled tofu. They also serve different cakes and brownies each day, and we went all out with these on our last trip to the cafe in Cam. I had the chocolate orange cake and Em had the chocolate brownie. Definitely write this on your list of top places to eat and you won’t be disappointed And it’s also best eaten with a cap on and in my narnastore tee (classic Holly look right now)

Happy Sunday people

#Gap year##带着瑜伽去旅行#


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