House on four levels

Object: Private residential house
Location: Moldova, Chisinau
Area: 358.6 m / sq
End of construction: 2020
Studio: l i n e a r c h i t e c t s
Project author: Dmitry Petrov
Photographer: Oleg Bazhura

The house is located in cramped conditions in a block with chaotic buildings without a view, so the main task in the de- sign was to create a house isolated from the surroundings.
The architecture of the house is a combination of three volumes of different heights, which consider the simplicity of recti- linear forms.
The main façade is restrained and minimalist, with a clear linear rhythm with minimal gla
The sophisticated interior filled with carefully selected pieces of furniture is hidden behind the thoughtful simplicity of the facade.
Each functional area is at its own level, due to the vertical displacement of the floors. This creates an interior architecture with different room heights in each separate area. All areas of the house are lit with daylight, which changes the at- mosphere of the white interior throughout the day.
A simple and laconic house whose philosophy is subordinated to the principle of "nothing superfluous", only "pure es- sence" is designed to become a refuge among the surrounding chaos.
This is a space for privacy and relaxation from the daily hustle and bustle.

House on four levels

Object: Private residential house
Location: Moldova, Chisinau
Area: 358.6 m / sq
End of construction: 2020 
Studio: l i n e a r c h i t e c t s 
Project author: Dmitry Petrov 
Photographer: Oleg Bazhura

The house is located in cramped conditions in a block with chaotic buildings without a view, so the main task in the de- sign was to create a house isolated from the surroundings.
The architecture of the house is a combination of three volumes of different heights, which consider the simplicity of recti- linear forms.
The main façade is restrained and minimalist, with a clear linear rhythm with minimal gla
The sophisticated interior filled with carefully selected pieces of furniture is hidden behind the thoughtful simplicity of the facade.
Each functional area is at its own level, due to the vertical displacement of the floors. This creates an interior architecture with different room heights in each separate area. All areas of the house are lit with daylight, which changes the at- mosphere of the white interior throughout the day.
A simple and laconic house whose philosophy is subordinated to the principle of "nothing superfluous", only "pure es- sence" is designed to become a refuge among the surrounding chaos.
This is a space for privacy and relaxation from the daily hustle and bustle.


近期在#导演请指教# 节目中大放异彩的朱志鑫弟弟,吸引了一众视线。这位笑起来像甜甜的年下小奶狗、不笑的时候又是酷酷的冷感少年的私下穿搭也是魅力满满,颇具各色时尚气质。

年下小奶狗#look# :暖黄色毛绒外套搭配13DEMARZO小熊贝雷帽,童趣满满,软萌可爱,灰黑棋盘格元素围巾更是增添了一丝温柔气息和时尚视觉效果。
街头休闲男友#look# :韩国潮牌图案连帽卫衣搭配阔腿短裤,潮流休闲,搭配国潮回力鞋增添了一丝运动感,男友风满满。
韩系潮男#look# :身着的印花衬衫是美国洛杉矶设计师的品牌,无论设计概念和质感都绝对称得上是引领的佼佼者。服装的前沿设计搭配舞台湿发造型和耳饰,散发不一样的潮男魅力。
2 Look:ADLV/回力

#朱志鑫 少年风潮##朱志鑫 衣上鑫光##明星穿搭#

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
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