【以设计解决问题 | 深圳设计周即将启幕】The 2021 Shenzhen Design Week, themed “Design as Solution,” will take place in the city from Saturday to Jan. 3, 2022, with the goal of demonstrating the practical and innovative value of fusing design in solving problems.
The Information Office of Shenzhen Municipal Government held a press conference at the Civic Center in Futian District yesterday to introduce the event’s highlights and preparations.
According to the organizer, the main exhibition venue at UpperHills in Futian District, as well as citywide exhibition subvenues, will create a carnival for designers and showcase the charm, momentum, vitality and innovation of Shenzhen, a UNESCO City of Design.
This year’s Shenzhen Design Week will implement the joint curator system for the first time under the professional guidance of an academic committee and the organizing committee’s leadership, and establish an expert advisory group, in order to benchmark the operation mode of authoritative international design weeks.
The academic committee, composed of design experts and scholars, is in charge of making suggestions to the organizing committee on Shenzhen Design Week’s theme, the exhibition content and related activities, as well as providing professional guidance to the joint curators’ schemes and consultation to the organizing committee.
The expert advisory group is made up of over 30 well-known designers, design association representatives and design venue directors who use their expertise, experience, vision and design resources to provide professional consultation and advice for the design week.
The four joint curators of the 2021 Shenzhen Design Week are renowned designers Han Jiaying, Liu Xiaodu, Zhang Yuxing and Hong Ko. The academic committee is made up of nine top domestic experts and scholars, namely Jin Daiqiang, Zhang Yonghe, Wang Min, Lou Yongqi, Han Xu, Wang Shaoqiang, Zhu Rongyuan, Sun Qun and Ma Quan.
The event will cover more than 20 exhibition units in five major sections with over 300 pieces of work, as well as eight thematic forums. It will bring together the crossover works of designers from other sectors and invite artists to participate, ensuring the independent originality and richness of the works on display.
Zhang Yuxing, one of the curators of 2021 Shenzhen Design Week, introduced that the special public building exhibition he is presenting will answer to the theme of “Design as Solution” from the perspectives of people’s livelihood, technological innovation and crossover integration.
Shenzhen Design Week, an international cultural calling card for Shenzhen, is hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal Government and organized by the Publicity Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC.

#每天感恩100次 #活在當下 #享受每刻 #喜悅每天 #袁鎮業 #盛舞者 #KY哥 #教練日常 #舞者 #感恩 #fujifilmxt30 #drama #good #life #tvb #actor #tvb #focus #charm #joy #happy #love #model #hot #health #fitness #gym #workout #workhard#袁鎮業 ##KY哥 ##感恩 ##享受每刻 ##喜悅每天 ##good ##tvb ##actor ##tvb ##charm ##joy ##happy ##love ##hot ##health##diet ##gym ##workhard##使徒行者3##袁鎮業##爱回家之开心速递##呂合星##腾讯[超话]##香港爱情故事##白色强人2[超话]##白色强人2##喜悦每天##感恩##盛舞者##把关者们#

Congratulations to Liu Ye for his nomination for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor in "The Island Keeper"! Nomination is confirmed that the fire Hua elder brother low-key and strength, has been retaining the pure and plain actors, actors on the road to walk the down-to-earth, shaping each film and television role is very real charm, acting freely take hold of the very good, perfect interpretation of the actors changeless. Originally Liu Ye is read big 3 when with the movie "that mountain that person that dog" won golden chicken nomination, really let a person rui si worship, golden chicken award didn't you I refuse to accept! Liu Ye once said in an interview: 'We didn't take on other films for a year and three months, let oneself immersed in the role, this film let me feel the real state of creation. Worthy of being an excellent actor, he has always interpreted every work with his heart. Whether it is acting or personality, he is very charming. There is a reason why he is loved by so many people.

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