【印度国防参谋长拉瓦特等13人在坠机事故中身亡】India's Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat and 12 others including his wife were killed Wednesday in a helicopter crash in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, officials said.
The helicopter crashed in the Coonoor area of Nilgiris district, 538 kilometers southwest of Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu.
Footage from the scene showed a crowd of people trying to extinguish the fiery wreck with water buckets while a group of soldiers carried one of the passengers away on an improvised stretcher.
Rawat was headed to the Defense Services Staff College to address students and faculty from the nearby Sulur air force base in Coimbatore.
The chopper was already making its descent at the time of the crash.
The sole survivor of the crash, a captain working at the college, was being treated for his injuries at a nearby military hospital, the air force said.
Rawat, 63, was appointed as India's first chief of defense staff by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government in late 2019.
The position was set up with the aim of integrating India's three military services-the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.
Several of the bodies were badly burned, two government sources said.
Modi said he was deeply saddened by Rawat's death. "A true patriot, he greatly contributed to modernizing our armed forces and security apparatus," the prime minister said.
The Indian Air Force ordered an inquiry into the cause of the accident.
(Xinhua - Agencies) (Photo:Reuters via Xinhua)

#每日一词#农村人居环境整治提升 rural living environment upgrade——中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近日印发了农村人居环境整治提升五年行动方案。方案指出,改善农村人居环境事关广大农民根本福祉,事关美丽中国建设。 China has released a five-year action plan on improving rural living environment. Rural living environment upgrade is closely related to the well-being of farmers and the construction of a beautiful China, according to the plan jointly issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council. https://t.cn/A6xYvWLi

我每天的状态都挺有规律的,上午一副没睡醒的样子,下午一副睡不醒的样子,晚上一副打了鸡血的样子,午夜一副肠子都悔青了的样子。I'm in a regular state every day. I don't wake up in the morning, I don't wake up in the afternoon, I have chicken blood at night, and I feel like I'm sorry for my intestines at midnight.[污]

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