ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ホイ

yo ho ho i yo ho ho i yo ho ho i ho i

おも舵 とり舵 風しだい

おもかじ とりかじ かぜしだい

o mo ka ji to ri ka ji ka ze shi da i

ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ホイ

yo ho ho i yo ho ho i yo ho ho i ho i


yo ho ho i

俺は界賊 お宝求めて 海から海へ

おれはかいぞく おたからもとめて うみからうみへ

o re wa ka i zo ku o ta ka ra mo to me te u mi ka ra u mi he

俺は界賊 自由求めて 世界から世界へ

おれはかいぞく じゆうもとめて せかいからせかいへ

o re wa ka i zo ku ji yuu mo to me te se ka i ka ra se ka i he



ka na ra zu te ni i re ru ze

そしたら気分痛快 ヨホホイ!

そしたらきぶんつうかい ヨホホイ!

so shi ta ra ki bun tsu u ka i yo ho ho i

ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ヨホホイ 痛快だ!

ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ヨホホイ つうかいだ!

yo ho ho i yo ho ho i yo ho ho i tsu u ka i da

ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ヨホホイ 最高だ!

ヨホホイ ヨホホイ ヨホホイ さいこうだ!

yo ho ho i yo ho ho i yo ho ho i sa i ko u da



so ko no ke go - ru do shi i ka - i ka da
歌って 踊って 弾けて 痛快だ!
うたって おどって はじけて つうかいだ!
u ta te o do te ha ji ke te tsu u ka i da

When I was 16 years old, 2000, my computer was running Windows Me! It is the last version of Windows 9x or the fourth generation of Microsoft Windows opearting system! Its internal version is 4.90.3000, its face happened to change comparing with Windows 98SE, but samiliar with Windows 2000, which was released earlier the same year, and the internal version is 5.0.2195! Yes, Windows 2000 should have had been the sucessor of Windows 98 SE, but Microsoft did not make good preparation for the comsumer market! So they release a special version, Windows Me! Me is short for Millennium Edition, but Me is just actually "Me"! It was almost released on the same day when 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics Games opened! So year 2000 is Australia year, and Windows Me is Australia Windows, please allow me say something like this!

The next year, 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, the sucessor of both Windows Me and Windows 2000 Professional, and its internal version is 5.1.2600, the fifth generation of Windows! Comparing to this, Windows 10 did really look like another Windows 9x, its first version was released in 2015, 20 years after the release of Windows 95! In 2020, Microsoft released Windows 10 20H1, its internal version is 10.0.19041, much similar with 4.9.3000 (Windows Me), digits 9 and 4 implies the termination! In 2021, Microsoft released Windows 11, and its internal version is 10.0.22000, similar with 5.1.2600 (Windows XP), both UIs happend to change obviously! And there is also Windows Server 2022, between Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 11 21H2, which internal version is 10.0.20348, much similar with 5.0.2195 (Windows 2000)! If Windows Me is Australia Windows, then Windows 10 1904x is Japan Windows! Windows Server 2022 is not successor of Windows 10, but Windows Server 2019! Windows 10 21H2 is not the successor of Windows 10, but the feature updates of Windows 10 20H1 through 21H1, similar with Windows Me, the face happened to change slightly comparing with Windows 10 1809, and Windows 10 21H2 is the mature/final version! Windows 10 1809/2019 LTSC is much like yesterday's Windows 98 (SE), Windows 21H2/2021 LTSC much like Windows Me, Windows Server 2022 like Windows 2000, and Windows 11 is much like yesterday's Windows XP, not only the release date (20 years later), but also its UI, happened to change obviously!

It seems that the future release of Windows 10 is meaningless! At most its internal version would catch with Windows Server 2022, but if exceeding it would force Microsoft to release another version of Windows Server based on Windows 10 rather than Windows 11! In my own opinion, the stop has already been put to Windows 10, since Windows 10 21H2 (10.0.19044) was officially released few days ago! The next possible release of Windows 10 would happen in the next year, November ,2022 exactly! And then Windows 11 should already have taken over the market of Windows 10, or it would turn to be a failure! In other words, the internal version might not happen to change or keep the pace with Windows 11, similar as the relationship between Office 2019 and 2021! Or else, it is meaningless! The future version of Windows 10 should be easily turned into Windows 11 rather than a solo and dying branch of Windows...




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