There are more and more yesterdays and lesser and lesser tomorrows. This is life!

The reason you think time of this year is flying faster than last year is that time is becoming much more important year by year.

Don’t reluctantly embrace each other because of fear of loneliness. Don’t make do with life because of having no choices temporarily. There is always a journey of life that needs you to go across alone.

Hope that you can be a ray of sunshine, which shines brightly and beautifully without sorrow.

句 詹伯侯

To whorn it may concern,

As a college student,I am here writing this letter to you to convey my sincere hope that I can recommend you my friend Alex who is applying to a university.

The most important thing that Alex speaks Chinese fluently.It is an undeniable fact that fluent communication can,directly or indirectly,bring a great influence on his college life. Secondly, it is also of great importance to pay close attention to the fact that Alex is a quick learner.He understands very well and works hard. Additionally,he is friendly to others and you will like him.

I sincerely hope that my recommendation can be useful. An immediate reply at your earlist convenience would be deeply appreciated! My best wishes to you!

Yours respectufully

Li Ming

The planets move and change their positions. Here is the horoscope update according to your Vedic sign:
As we undergo a transformation, particular elements should erode and some may re-emerge. This is part of the process that allows a person to come out as a more enlightened self, with a deeper understanding and compassion. In this period, you could be in the midst of experience, whereby your real abilities are getting out in the light and you are gaining more clarity in life. Yet, at the same time, you may be feeling like you are losing things that you once held dearly. You are encouraged not to grieve over it, but to accept it with an open heart. A diamond never appears as polished in the beginning. Time and pressure are required to become what it is. Now you can remain calm and patient as you go through this change in your life.
Vedic astrology is always at your service!

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