【Western Blot 第5阶段:检测】Novus Biologicals Visual Protocols: In phase 5 of the western blot procedure, you will learn how to visualize your protein of interest that was probed with specific antibodies in the previous step. Here we utilize the electrochemiluminescent (ECL) to produce light where our antibodies are bound. This light is collected by film or a camera for later analysis. Additional help can be found in the support section of https://t.cn/Rqd9ti4 through our live chat service, or by calling us directly to talk with our elite customer and technical service scientists.https://xy.bioon.com/course_video/Western-Blot-di-5-jie-duan-jian-ce440340.html

【Western Blot 第4阶段:免疫印迹法】Novus Biologicals Visual Protocols: In phase 4 of the western blot procedure, you will learn how to block the membrane, stain in with Ponceau red, and add the primary and secondary antibodies. Vigorous washing when indicated between these steps is essential for obtaining a clean blot. Additional help can be found in the support section of www.novusbio.com, through our live chat service, or by calling us directly to talk with our elite customer and technical service scientists.https://xy.bioon.com/course_video/Western-Blot-di-4-jie-duan-wen-yi-yin-ji494523.html

【Western Blot 第3阶段:膜转移】Novus Biologicals Visual Protocols: In phase 3 of the western blot procedure, you will learn how to transfer your proteins from the SDS-PAGE gel onto a PVDF or nitrocellulose membrane. Here we remove the gel from the cassette, and stack it in a sandwich comprised of a sponge, filter paper, the gel, membrane, filter paper, and sponge. The negatively charged proteins will then transfer onto the membrane toward the positive current. Additional help can be found in the support section of https://t.cn/Rqd9ti4 through our live chat service, or by calling us directly to talk with our elite customer and technical service scientists.https://xy.bioon.com/course_video/Western-Blot-di-3-jie-duan-mo-zhuan-yi123198.html

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