LeadershipA group of wolves:The 3 in front are old & sick, they walk in front to set the pace of the running group lest they get left behind.The next 5 are the strongest & best, they are tasked to protect the front side if there is an attack. The 'citizens' in the middle are always protected from any attack.The 5 behind them are also among the strongest & best; they are tasked to protect the back side if there is an attack.The last one is the LEADER. He ensures that no one is left behind. He keeps the pack unified and on the same path. He is always ready to run in any direction to protect & serves as the 'bodyguard' to the entire group. This it called GOOD LEADERSHIP.Story and photo by Travis Hayes https://t.cn/R2WxEji

LeadershipA group of wolves:The 3 in front are old & sick, they walk in front to set the pace of the running group lest they get left behind.The next 5 are the strongest & best, they are tasked to protect the front side if there is an attack. The 'citizens' in the middle are always protected from any attack.The 5 behind them are also among the strongest & best; they are tasked to protect the back side if there is an attack.The last one is the LEADER. He ensures that no one is left behind. He keeps the pack unified and on the same path. He is always ready to run in any direction to protect & serves as the 'bodyguard' to the entire group. This it called GOOD LEADERSHIP.

LeadershipA group of wolves:The 3 in front are old & sick, they walk in front to set the pace of the running group lest they get left behind.The next 5 are the strongest & best, they are tasked to protect the front side if there is an attack. The 'citizens' in the middle are always protected from any attack.The 5 behind them are also among the strongest & best; they are tasked to protect the back side if there is an attack.The last one is the LEADER. He ensures that no one is left behind. He keeps the pack unified and on the same path. He is always ready to run in any direction to protect & serves as the 'bodyguard' to the entire group. This it called GOOD LEADERSHIP.
Story and photo by Travis Hayes https://t.cn/R2WxDfa

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