Only use antibiotics when prescribed by a certified health professional.
Never demand antibiotics if your health care provider says you don't need them.
Always follow your doctor or pharmacist's advice when using antibiotics.
Never share or use leftover antibiotics.
Prevent infections by regularly washing hands, preparing food hygienically, avoiding close contact with sick people, practicing safer sex, and keeping vaccinations up to date.
Prepare food hygienically and choose foods that have been produced without the use of antibiotics for growth promotion or disease prevention in healthy animals.

#GMAT og逻辑讲解#良心讲解,陆续登场,#2018杀g# 你准备好了吗~~~对你有用的话求个赞哦[doge][doge][doge]

33:Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Ferber's syndrome, a viral disease that frequently affects cattle, is transmitted to these animals through infected feed. Even though chickens commercially raised for meat are often fed the type of feed identified as the source of infection in cattle, Ferber's syndrome is only rarely observed in chickens. This fact, however, does not indicate that most chickens are immune to the virus that causes Ferber's syndrome, since

A chickens and cattle are not the only kinds of farm animal that are typically fed the type of feed liable to be contaminated with the virus that causes Ferber's syndrome
B Ferber's syndrome has been found in animals that have not been fed the type of feed liable to be contaminated with the virus that can cause the disease
C resistance to some infectious organisms such as the virus that causes Ferber's syndrome can be acquired by exposure to a closely related infectious organism
D chickens and cattle take more than a year to show symptoms of Ferber's syndrome, and chickens commercially raised for meat, unlike cattle, are generally brought to market during the first year of life
E the type of feed liable to be infected with the virus that causes Ferber's syndrome generally constitutes a larger proportion of the diet of commercially raised chickens than of commercially raised cattle

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday adopted a political declaration to scale up fight against HIV and end AIDS epidemic by 2030.

The 193 UN member states renewed their commitments to reducing the global numbers of people newly infected with HIV to fewer than 500,000 per year and people dying from AIDS to fewer than 500,000 per year by 2020, according to the political declaration.

The document was adopted at a high-level meeting on ending AIDS.

UN statistics show that young women and girls, sex workers, prisoners, gay men, transgender people and people who inject drugs are being left behind in the response.

Addressing the meeting, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the international community to reinforce the approach by ensuring funding for AIDS response, removing punitive laws that violate people's dignity, and also making sure that everyone affected have access to comprehensive HIV services.

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