Don't part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. All that is beautiful poems and passages of life things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.


#菁kids上海# #小菁看世界# #双语#音频见评论[心]

#2022年冬奥会# 是即将举行的一次体育盛事,为了防控疫情,2022年冬奥会不对境外观众售票,只针对国内观众售票。







#The 2022 Winter Olympics# is an upcoming sports event. In order to prevent and control the epidemic, the 2022 Winter Olympics will not sell tickets to overseas audiences and only sell tickets to domestic audiences.

How many spectators will be contained in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics? [小红花]The answer is about 18,000 people.

According to the preliminary design, the original glass curtain wall of the National Stadium will be transformed into ice-shaped glass bricks to fully bring in natural lighting and adjust natural lighting through external and internal shading systems to minimize lighting energy consumption. The transformed National Stadium will be upgraded to a green two-star building, which is not only harmless to the environment, but also can make full use of environmental natural resources.

In terms of smart energy use, the National Stadium will use water source heat pump technology, using groundwater as a source of cold and heat and radiating or absorbing heat to the water for air conditioning, without consuming water resources or causing pollution.

The 24th Winter Olympics in 2022 will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China, and will therefore be known as the “Beijing Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics.” This is the first time the Winter Olympics has been held in China, and it is also another Olympic event after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This also makes Beijing be the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The opening ceremony will be held in the Bird’s Nest of the National Sports Center.

The emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is inspired by the Chinese character “Winter” and uses Chinese calligraphy to integrate the profound oriental cultural heritage with the international modern style, presenting the new image and dream of China in the new era.

Source: Tencent News
Translated by: 高晴
Proofread by: Kirk

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