I’m a stubborn person. When my mom told me,”vegan food just isn’t tasty” during an argument, I couldn’t let it go. I waited for her to take it back. She didn’t. So, of cause, the side of me that flips boards came our, and pretty soon. I was writing a list of places to prove her wrong.

inkwell reading club 朗读小王子的前四章
喜欢企业家的思维模式 讨论的好些内容都非常喜欢 有一位乌克兰的翻译家 她和一位中国男士有一个四岁半的儿子 当男孩问他 mom am i a good boy? 她听完之后说自己心碎了 我听完之后很震动 因为我一直都喜欢自己是good girl good各种社会角色 小孩 员工 伴侣 但这位妈妈却说 她希望自己的孩子不要做一个跟随者follower 而是成为某个领域的领导者 如果人们之间有对话 人和人能得到故事的两面 那么有时候一切都是那么好玩加治愈 她说的话就好像在提醒我 你不用做一个所谓的good woman 企业家这时说good这个词太主观而且随着时间会变 但是成年人唯一要知道的是了解你行为的后果 而后去规避一些不好的可能就行 她不停地告诉所有人要相信自己 凡事不要抱怨 直面问题 在机会面前对自己说 why not me 然后她觉得一个自信的人肯定会吸引到真正喜欢自己的人 好开心的夜晚

son,You have a runny nose in recent days,Still coughing,Mom and Dad are worried,I will give you a lot of water and it will be fine.Then you have a fever again these two days,I asked a lot of people because of the adverse reaction of your vaccine the day before yesterday.Mom and Dad still give you Weishui,You will be fine this morning.Children are the heart of parents,Mom and Dad hope you are healthy and safe.If there is any disaster, parents are willing to take it for you and hope you don't get sick.To be healthy and happy.

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