

State media said Sunday that a well-known social commentator, angel investor and philanthropist who goes by the name Xue Manzi had been detained on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute.


这里的 soliciting a prostitute就是“嫖娼”的意思,说得比较正式了。

警方接到群众举报(tip-off)后将二人查获,目前,二人已被警方行政拘留(administrative detention)。

另外,这里的 on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute 是“涉嫌嫖娼”,并没有被明确定罪。

同理,某个犯罪嫌疑人(suspect)因某项犯罪行为被指控时,只能用 the suspect is accused of killing his wife(他被诉杀害了他的妻子)这样的具体行为来表示,一旦法庭作出判决,认定罪名以后,才可以说 he is convicted of murder(他被判谋杀罪成立)。



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theblaxkspace is a space for those who dare to dream, and create with their boundless passion. We are honoured to have 2 of Singapore’s biggest artiste who are the testimony to that belief. Thank you stefsunyanzi and jjlin for gracing the launch of Blaxk!

Leadership 2.0: Gain New Skills to Meet New Challenges
Learning to lead is not a “one and done” assignment, a box to tick before you get responsibility for a team of direct reports. While CEOs like Jack Welch, who led GE in a 20-year period of relative stability, were able to apply the same foundational approaches and methods throughout their careers, that is no longer the case. Global markets and supply chains, technologies, regulatory requirements, and societal advances continue to evolve and demand new strategies and responses for individual leaders and their firms to survive and grow. To maintain an edge throughout your career as a leader, you need to build on your existing strengths, adding new capabilities and evolving to meet the demands of the times.

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