RACE - life is a race, and so are many things in our daily lives. But racing can be also fun, especially on the bike. Some people like it, some maybe not so much. Racing also gives the opportunity to meet other riders from different parts of the country or even world. Also, it gives the chance to travel to areas where you've never ridden your bike before. This is the second year of Asia Enduro Tournament, with stops in Nepal, Thailand and Brunei. We show you how the second race of the series in Chang Mai / Thailand went down. World Cup racing is brutal, but the once-a-year Hardline, from the creator and builder Dan Atherton, is another level! It’s seems every year he builds bigger jumps, gnarlier steep trails, and this year, the rain also helped to get it named the world's hardest downhill race! Come with us, and see how the riders attacked that trail. Guangzhou Downhill League held the last race of their series down in Guangzhou! Everybody was racing to get good points to get invited for the final later end of this year in Enping. Racing can be hard, but it fills life with joy if you can do it right. Life is a race, go out and ride your bike and enjoy!



The Mourning Bride

--William Congreve

Is it my love?
Ask again that queation
Speak again in that soft voice
And look again with wishes in thy eyes
Oh, no
Thou can'st not
Can'st thou forgive me, then?
Wilt thou believe so kindly of my fault, to call it madness?
Oh, give that madness yet a milder name.
And call it passion
Then be still more kind
And call that passion--love

Hell, hell
Yet I'll be calm
Now the dawn begins...
And the slow hand of fate is stretched to draw the veil
And leave thee bare
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turn'd
Nor hell like fury like the woman scorned


Today was a long day and I didn't want to cook...often people lose perspective and get hung up if they dont have the perfect diet...IS IT THE END OF THE WORLD?!

NO! in fact if you are going to 'cheat' with some high GI carbs, do it post workout in order to minimise fat gain, your body needs to replenish glyogen stores. Its not perfect but ITS OKAY! [加油][加油][加油][加油][加油][NO]


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