he Bigger Sleep – rehush (hush)
— Sophie Jung

Performance schedule:
Saturday, 18 May 2019, 9pm
Wednesday, 29 May 2019, 9pm
Thursday, 30 May 2019, 9pm
Saturday, 1 June 2019, 9pm

Get your tickets here.

Special Event (Free):
Sunday, 19 May 2019, 12:00 Reading, 1:30pm Sophie Jung in conversation with Paul Clinton

Cork Street Galleries, 30 Old Burlington Street, London W1S 3AR
– If you have any questions about the accessibility of the venue, please contact info@blockuniverse.co.uk (using subject header: Access / Sophie Jung Performance + date).

* UK Premiere -
With the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Swiss Cultural Fund and National Culture Fund, Luxembourg (FOCUNA)

The Bigger Sleep – rehush (hush) is an adaptation of Jung’s major installation at the Kunstmuseum Basel into a site-specific performance for Block Universe.

While in the former iteration, ‘Frau Welt’, the languid protagonist of the piece, resided in her glamorously furnished “now-a-clock”-mansion, her delusion has now visibly cracked. We are asked to enter the psychological space of a starkly lit basement below a vacant building, in which the lethargic haggle between presence and absence, or the speculative and the substantive has become undeniable. A redundant figure, still posturing as rulingly classy, Frau Welt reads her script, veers off, sings and sighs, shrugs and goes on rehearsing for a future that has long been cancelled while her unnamable servant serves her “burbon after borbon after burbun after borbun”

Harnessing the complexities of language, Jung makes subtle alterations to open up new dimensions of meaning, that throw the theatricality of the real and the authenticity of play-acting into relief in a glossy but crumbling world of anticipatory grief, derailed by the “vacuous promises and looped distractions of terminal capitalism”, in which nothing seems as it is.

The set can be visited daily from 11am to 6pm from the 19 May to 1 June.


Sophie Jung (b. Luxemburg), lives and works in London and Basel. Recent solo projects and exhibitions include The Bigger Sleep, Kunstmuseum Basel; Dramatis Personae at Joan, LA (both 2019); Paramount VS Tantamount, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris; Come Fresh Hell or Fresh High Water, Blain Southern, London; Thusly, Primary, Nottingham (all 2018); It’s Not What It Looks Like, Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna; and Producing My Credentials, Kunstraum, London (both 2017). Her work has been included in the following group exhibitions at Kunsthaus Pasquart, Biel; New Swiss Performance Now, Kunsthalle Basel; Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp; Jupiter Woods, London (all 2018); Hester, New York; Kunsthalle Sankt Gallen (both 2016); Ballroom Marfa, San Antonio (2015); Forthcoming projects include a year-long solo commission for Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich and a solo exhibition at Casino Luxembourg.In 2015 Jung spent six months in New York at ISCP, courtesy of the Edward Steichen Award Luxembourg. In 2016 she won the Swiss Art Award and in 2018 The Manor Kunstpreis.

Paul Clinton is a writer based in London, and lecturer in curating at Goldsmiths. He writes for frieze, MOUSSE, Art Review, Art Monthly, The White Review and London Review of Books. This year he is launching the series ‘Militant Desire: Lionel Soukaz and Sexual Liberation Today’ across Gasworks and LUX, London, and a forthcoming project in Vienna. His book Other Hunting will be published by Ma Bibliotheque this summer.

We’d like to thank Cork St Galleries for generously providing the gallery space. Cork Street Galleries is an initiative of the Pollen estate who have recently completed a total of 41k flexible gallery space here on a rejuvenated Cork St.

Photos by

Manuela Barczewski


"A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother." 明智的兒子使父親得意;愚蠢的兒子使母親憂慮。


刚刚很嘚瑟的说,我不止会用sad表示悲伤了,还有 melancholy, mope, sorrow,grief。聪聪补充了几个后,说:“我记得还有一个dis开头的,挺长的。” double说:“disappointment。”聪聪用开玩笑的语气说:“是吼,disappointment挺长的。”哈哈哈里面有些许友好嘲笑的意味。结果聪聪费心搜索结果原来是 discourage[偷乐]长短的对比不要太明显啦
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈虽然我的语言表达能力很糟糕,但是就是很搞笑〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

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