It’s only a girl’s chest and ass to do marketing, it’s really spoiling the great internet. Silicon Valley is a creative marketing of “people, culture, and emotions”. The creativity in Silicon Valley has an oriental color. It transcends Western rationality and interprets oriental intuition. The important component is not technology, but the release of multi-element in humanities.

【一点“读物”】 先手码发到py圈,也搁这发两条。

Back in 1802, on a night like this, the astronomer William Herschel strolled the beach on the English coast, with his son John. Herschel was the first person ever to see in the deeper waters of the cosmic ocean.

There he glimpse the magic trick the light does with time.
John: you believe in ghosts?
Herschel: Why, yes, my son!
J: You, you do? I would not have thought so.

Oh, no, not in the human kind of ghost. No, not at all. But look up, son, and see a sky full of them.

The stars, father? I do not follow.

Every star is a sun as big, as bright as our own. Just imagine how far away from us you’d have to move the sun to make it appears as small and faint as a star. The light from the stars travels very fast, faster than anything. But not infinitely fast. It takes time for their light to reach us. For the nearest ones, it takes years. For others, centuries. Some stars are so far away, it takes eons for their light to get to earth. By the time the light from some stars gets here, they are already dead. For those stars, we see only their ghosts. We see their light, but their bodies perished long long ago. John, I have seen further back in time than any man before me millions of years into the past.

— Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey

The simplest affection will last the longest; the most ordinary care will be the most comfortable; and the one who understands you the most will give you the warmest life. For all of these, only time will tell.

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