#CATTI时政语料翻译精选# 【第2期】
3. 原文:搬起石头砸自己的脚

译文:lift rocks only to drop them on one’s own feet;

shoot oneself in the foot
译文:Those who do so will find themselves lifting rocks only to drop them on their own feet.
译文:Those who adopt the self-serving approach of using force will find that they are shooting themselves in the foot.

4. 原文:正确义利观

译文:the greater good and shared interests
译文:The conceptions and theories of originality and zeitgeist that China has produced in the past years include those on upholding the greater good and pursuing shared interests; strengthening the Party’s governance capacity; following the Chinese path to build stronger armed forces; and meeting the Party’s goals for the army in the current era.
译文:proposed and implemented a policy of upholding the greater good and pursuing shared interests, and championed a new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security.

【#特朗普对伊朗发起新一轮制裁#,限制伊领导人与外界金融往来】24日,美国总统特朗普在白宫签署行政令,对伊朗实施新一轮“严厉”制裁。该制裁针对伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊和最高领袖办公室,旨在限制伊朗领导人与外界的金融往来。特朗普称此举是对德黑兰近期挑衅行为“强有力和相称的回应”。Le président américain, Donald Trump, a annoncé lundi que son pays imposerait de nouvelles sanctions "dures" contre l'Iran, dans un contexte de tensions au plus haut entre Washington et Téhéran. M. Trump a affirmé que cette mesure, adoptée lundi, faisait suite à "une série de comportements agressifs du régime iranien ces dernières semaines", en particulier le tir qui a abattu un drone des Etats-Unis.


刘卫东 | Distributed Robust Estimation on Sparse Linear Regression



题目:Distributed Robust Estimation on Sparse Linear Regression



This paper studies distributed estimation and support recovery for high-dimensional linear regression model with heavy-tailed noise. To deal with heavy-tailed noise whose variance can be infinite, we adopt the quantile regression loss function instead of the commonly used squared loss. However, the non-smooth quantile loss poses new challenges to high-dimensional distributed estimation in both computation and theoretical development. To address the challenge, we transform the response variable and establish a new connection between quantile regression and ordinary linear regression. Then, we provide a distributed estimator that is both computationally and communicationally efficient, where only the gradient information is communicated at each iteration. Theoretically, we show that the proposed estimator achieves the optimal convergence rate (i.e., the oracle convergence rate when all the data is pooled on a single machine) without any restriction on the number of machines. Moreover, we establish the theoretical guarantee for the support recovery. The simulation and real data analysis are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our estimator.

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  • ??
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