to go overboard 鲁莽行事
jone, let's not go overboard and get a new car right now. With all the other expenses we had, we won, t able to pay the monthly payments.
I wouldn't go overboard and buy a lot of stocks in that company. I heard the profit was down from what it was last year.

[微笑][微笑]Each of us in the hometown of steel and cement, high pressure in the rapid dissipation, perhaps one day a lot of things can only exist in our memories. However, disappearance does not mean forgetting, hometown is deeply rooted in our hearts. Just like when we are young, ambitious, willing to leave home to venture four directions, all the way east rush west busy, see all kinds of scenery, may find, in fact, we went to the hometown......――Sad little bubble ZDQ[微笑][微笑]Home is a kind of feelings, we always want to go back to the place, because our roots in the home

[微笑][微笑]Hometown sweet memories, warm breath, tired, tired of my heart is always haunted hometown.――Sad little bubble ZDQ[微笑][微笑]Home is a kind of feelings, we always want to go back to the place, because our roots in the home

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