【美国副总统无口罩无防护视察医院,吓坏一众医护人员及患者】U.S. Vice President Mike Pence came under fire for not wearing a face mask during his visit to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on Tuesday.
On April 13, the world-renowned medical center announced a policy requiring all patients or visitors to bring their own face mask. The center said if patients or visitors did not have a face mask, they would be provided with one, to comply with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
When he was asked about the message it may send, Pence reiterated that he is tested regularly and the CDC says masks only prevent the spread of the virus.
Pence addressed the controversy and told reporters that while he agrees with the CDC guidelines about wearing masks to contain the spread of coronavirus, he and everyone around him is tested for the virus regularly.

【《纽约时报》分析了特朗普关于疫情的26万字言论:充满了“我夸我自己”】报道指出,特朗普的言辞中充满了“总统式傲慢”和“自怜”,历史学家都表示没见过这样的情况。其中,发布会中说的最多的就是自夸型言论,有600个词之多。网友评论:“不敢相信看完这26万字需要怎样坚韧的精神。” In a New York Times report on Sunday, the paper analyzed 260,000 words uttered by U.S. President Donald Trump in his remarks made about the coronavirus since the outbreak in early March, "revealing a display of presidential hubris and self-pity unlike anything historians say they have seen before." Three NYT journalists found that the most recurring words in the briefings are self-congratulatory, around 600 of them. He credited others more than 360 times and also blamed others more than 110 times.

【萨拉查·斯莱特林,就决定是你了!】近日,印度的研究人员发现了一种新的绿色响尾蛇,他们决定将其命名为萨拉查·斯莱特林(Salazar Slytherin)。此种蛇分布在东亚及东南亚地区,含有剧毒。A team of researchers from India discovered a new species of green pit viper and decided to name the snake after the one, the only Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Hollywood blockbuster "Harry Potter." The findings were published early this month in Zoosystematics and Evolution. The pit viper in the genus Trimeresurus are venomous, and found throughout East and Southeast Asia. This species was found in India but at least 48 species of this genus are found in the region. What is distinguishing about this particular pit viper is the orange-reddish stripe on the side of the head in males.

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  • 数据这种东西,来自第三方平台的,那是实打实的人气,不珍惜,不赶紧宣传,自己拆台!!
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