Urinary tract dissected at autopsy
Normally there are 2 kidneys. They each attach to their own ureter which is a long tube that connects it to the bladder. Your pee is made in your kidney and starts to trickle down this tube where it is stored in the bladder. The bladder is a storage container with the ability to stretch, kind of like the stomach. Under normal conditions, when the bladder fills and expands the urgency to urinate becomes worse and worse until it is really full and you feel like you are going to pee your pants.You urinate and empty the urine out and the whole process starts all over again.
#医学生Medic[超话]# #medicaltalks#

A 35-year-old lady with a ton of cutaneous neurofibromas associated with neurofibromatosis!! Neurofibromatosis type 1, NF-1 in short, is a condition characterized by changes in skin coloring (pigmentation) and the growth of tumors along nerves in the skin, brain, and other parts of the body.
Adults develop neurofibromas, which are noncancerous (benign) tumors that are usually located on or just under the skin.
Many have also multiple café-au-lait spots, which are flat patches on the skin that are darker than the surrounding area.
NF-1 is caused by a mutation of a gene on the long arm of chromosome 17 which encodes a protein known as neurofibromin, which is a negative regulator of the Ras oncogene signal transduction pathway.
When Ras isn’t regulated, it is overexpressed. These are a family of proteins that are involved in cellular signal transduction. A cascade effect occurs when ras is “switched on” by incoming signals, leading to activation of other proteins, which, in turn, activate genes responsible for cell growth and differentiation, hence leading to neurofibromas.
Due to their benign nature, neurofibromas should be surgically excised only when symptomatic.

Goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland.
It is externally translated by a tumor in the antero-inferior part of the neck just below the larynx.
There are several types from the morphological point of view: diffuse, uninodular or multinodular goiter.
The most common cause of goiter in the world is idiopathic (unknown)
The second cause is iodine deficiency state which is commonly known as endemic goiter.

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