whoever you meet in this life is bound to be the one
not by accident
he is there to teach you something
So I also believe
wherever I go is bound to be where I should be
what I should experience who I should meet


被恩爱之绳所系而闭于忧苦,经长久的岁月,亦不能解脱 痛苦。同时,耽溺于激烈的贪欲,即被恶念包围,惹事生非, 与人争斗,而不得亲近眞实之道,以致寿命未尽便被迫死亡,永劫痛苦。




As years go by and people see how strongly they are bound by greed, habit and suffering, they become very sad and discouraged. Often in their discouragement they quarrel with others and sink deeper into sin and give up trying to walk the true path; often their lives come to some untimely end in the very midst of their wickedness and they suffer forever.

This falling into discouragement because of one’s misfortunes and sufferings is most unnatural and con- trary to the law of heaven and earth and, therefore, one will suffer both in this world and in the worlds after death.

It is true that everything in this life is transitory and filled with uncertainty, but it is lamentable that anyone should ignore this fact and keep on trying to seek enjoyment and satisfaction of his desires.

I got this sadness in me, it’s always there and sometimes it’s overwhelming, nice “normal” days sometimes makes me scared because I fear something bad is gonna happen, and it often does, yet somehow, with that deep dark sadness in me I still hope, for a better tomorrow, I am still sad, and I kinda hate myself for that. There are people that makes this world worth fighting for, I know for sure bad things are going to happen, I just don’t know when, and if it’s bound to happen then there’s nothing I can do to stop it, I’ll just have to live with that, so what? Right? Maybe that’ll be the death of me, then again death doesn’t even scare me… so, why? Why don’t I just take a deep breath and just exsist for a while, hopefully I’ll be six feet under before it goes sideways.

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