You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down
we come back in every time
Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style
You got that long hair slicked back white t-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
And when we go crashing down we come back in every time
Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

#placebo in checkbox# 翻开书的扉页就读到这样一句话是会很大程度上勾起人想要继续读下去的欲望的。
btw今夜调酒有感:The round pegs can fit in a square hole, but never pour lemonade into whiskey, never try this because the mixture has the power to ruin the world.

Little knowledge popular scienceShaping out of the law?Kind of: The weight has dropped linearly. Most of the customers have a large weight base and have never lost weight. Usually they have a normal diet and will not eat irregularly or on a long-term diet!First?Species: Stepped weight loss. After three or five consecutive days of weight loss, it will be balanced for a few days because fat is also resistant. At this time, it enters the plateau. Diet adjustment mainly regulates pancreatic function and breaks the defense of fat.Kind: Hill-climbing descent?Little knowledge popular scienceShaping out of the law?Kind of: The weight has dropped linearly. Most of the customers have a large weight base and have never lost weight. Usually they have a normal diet and will not eat irregularly or on a long-term diet!First?Species: Stepped weight loss. After three or five consecutive days of weight loss, it will be balanced for a few days because fat is also resistant. At this time, it enters the plateau. Diet adjustment mainly regulates pancreatic function and breaks the defense of fat.Kind: Hill-climbing descent. This kind of situation is more boring, just fall a little and come back a little.If you lose your conventional weight loss cognition is "continuous weight loss", so it will hit your confidence, but you must not give up.Will continue to drop the scale after a few days

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