
LLM Criminal Justice and Criminal Law
MSc Criminal Justice and Criminology
LLM Intellectual Property Law
LLM International Banking and Finance Law
LLM International Business Law
LLM International Corporate Law
LLM International Human Rights Law
LLM International Law and Global Governance
LLM International Trade Law
LLM Law and Social Justice
MSc Law and Finance
MSc Security, Conflict and Justice

录取要求:大部分需要法律或社会科学背景,商法和银行金融法,法律与金融专业接受金融、经济等背景,利兹大学的Tier 1A和1B里面的院校,均分75%,雅思6.5,小分不低于6.0~


Sovereign credit: IMF trade.

1. With the SDR allocation done and a reallocation set to take much longer, focus will return to the conditional IMF lending.

Heading into September, we see risk/reward as attractive in Argentina, El Salvador and Jordan, fair in Ecuador, Ukraine and Egypt and negative in Costa Rica.

2. Everyone likes 'free money', yet once conditionalities are added it gets much harder.

① The IMF has so far only disbursed a total of US$5.7 billion to EMBI sovereigns in 2021.

② The key problem is that meeting programme conditionalities is difficult when domestic political demands pull fiscals and reforms the other way.

③ Overall, we expect progress to remain slow on the traditional programmes despite the high funding needs.

3. IMF clearly matters for the asset class just by looking at size...

① 25% of EMBI credits are under some type of IMF programme.

② Looking across single B and below rated credits in the EMBI, 48% of the market cap are currently engaged with the IMF to various extents.

③ Indeed, of these 35 single B and below rated credits, only five have had no IMF programme in the past 20 years.

4. ...yet investor positioning and valuations also follow:

① We break the IMF credits into three groups, in addition to those with past programmes – those on track, the laggards and the aspiring IMF credits.

② Investors are today most OW the ones with past IMF programmes or those that are live but lagging.

③ Looking at prior programmes since 2009 shows a clear tendency for spreads to tighten a couple of months prior to a programme beginning in anticipation of a deal.

5. Strategy implications:

① Tracking compliance and new programme probability are key to alpha.

② Heading into September, we see attractive risk/reward in Argentina, El Salvador and Jordan.

③ Jordan is the safer bet as IMF support stays yet we think that the market is underpricing chances of a new IMF programme in El Salvador. https://t.cn/8sZiLO2


2021年8月18日,ITC(United States International Trade Commission/美国国际贸易委员会)对长芯盛智连科技有限公司及旗下品牌FIBBR涉及的有源光缆及下游产品“337调查案”做出终裁:同意Cosemi(美国科塞密科技公司)撤诉,终止调查程序。近年来中国出海品牌在美频遭“337调查”,而真正参与应诉且获胜的,寥寥无几。此次FIBBR的完胜格外让人刮目相看——其应对策略和实践操作都具有借鉴意义。为此,我们专程采访了FIBBR相关人士

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