2020.7.26,Monday,clear.Two days at the weekend,Dalian began to use nucleic acid for all people,Our community started today,Tongtong WeChat told me early in the morning,Said the security told him and grandma to start at 9 o'clock today,Detect nucleic acid at the front gate of the plot.In the evening, my father and I went downstairs to line up after returning home from get off work.Not many people,It's almost half an hour from the queue to the end,Tongtong also bravely tested it.National Nucleic Acid,Dalian has a population of 6 milli上,big project,Angels in white, community workers, and volunteers have worked hard!Come on with clam noodles[加油]

#英语驿站# If there is an afterlife, to make a tree, stand into eternity. No posture of joy and sorrow, half in the dust, half in the wind blowing; Half the shade, half the sun. Very silent, very proud. Never rely on, never look for. -- Sanmao, For Myself
如果有来生,要做一棵树, 站成永恒。没有悲欢的姿势, 一半在尘土里安详, 一半在风里飞扬; 一半洒落荫凉, 一半沐浴阳光。 非常沉默、非常骄傲。 从不依靠、从不寻找。


The orange

by Wendy Cope

At the lunch time,
I bought a huge orange.
The size of it made us all laugh.
I peeled and shared it with Robert and Dave.
They got quarters and I had a half
And that orange
It made me so happy.
As ordinary things often do
Just lately.
The shopping. A walk in the park.
This is peace and contentment.
It’s new.
The rest of the day was quite easy.
I did all the jobs on my list.
And enjoyed them and had some time over.

I love you.
I’m glad I exist. https://t.cn/Ryh9yyK

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