【探访美国啤酒温泉 | Se abre un Beer Spa con cerveza de autoservicio en Denver】Para cada amante de la cerveza que ha proclamado en broma el deseo de bañarse en ella: puede visitar el nuevo Beer Spa, una instalación de bienestar única en su tipo en Denver, Colorado, Estados Unidos. Cada sala de terapia con cerveza cuenta con una bañera de hidromasaje de cedro para tratamientos de hidroterapia con infusión de lúpulo, hierbas y cebada, así como sauna de infrarrojos, ducha y terraza de relajación. Más: https://t.cn/A6tXnqoO

#冷知识科普# 很多人一听sauna,最初以为是日语。实际上这是芬兰语,sauna在芬兰语本意是不带窗户的小木屋、封闭的船舱, 桑拿这种形式也起源于芬兰,就是在封闭的房间里进行水蒸气疗法,分干蒸和湿蒸,又分蒸汽、红外、电器石等加热方式。总之,桑拿这种疗法因人而异,优点和风险都存在。优点很多大家都知道,风险我们举一个例子,有的男性精子活力下降,当然还有人挑战喝完酒蒸桑拿,这就像挑战喝酒吃头孢,行为不可取。

[Spoiler of the weather in the Fu]It's here, it's here!It came with "high temperature" and "high humidity" to the Meteorological Observatory Shiqi Huludao Meteorology July 12, 2019。 Yesterday's live situation yesterday evening to night. There were thunderstorms in our city bureau.9 to 17.6 degrees Lianshan 28 to 19。3 degrees Suizhong 27.9 to 20.兴城2度28。1 to 18.9 degrees when the tree on the tree began to sing non-stop, the scorching sun is scorching the earth and the heat waves that make people nowhere to hide, we can all really feel it coming!It came with a steamer and grill!This year's "Dog days" is 40 days. The specific time of the dog days in 2019: Chufu from July 12 to July 21,A total of 10 days from July 22nd to August 10th,A total of 20 days at the end of August 11th ~ August 20th,A total of 10 days, I officially met with us today. The hot and humid "sauna day" has become the "protagonist" of the weather, "steaming mode" or "barbecue mode". The most notable feature of Futian is the sultry heat. You can use "go out for five minutes and sweat"Two hours" is used to describe that in addition to the sultry rain, unexpected rain has also begun to increase. When the summer weather encounters the rainy season, it is sometimes sultry and unbearable.Sometimes it rains and the weather "scorching" value is extremely high. The rain this weekend will bring coolness. Everyone should do a good job of preventing heatstroke and bring rain gear to pay attention to the weather changes. The weather today is cloudy and southerly winds are 3 to 4 in the morning. The lowest temperature in the morning is 18To 20℃, the highest temperature during the day is 29 to 31℃. 接下来三天的天气预报是今天和晚上,Northerly showers 3 to 4 winds,The lowest temperature is 20℃ tomorrow daytime,Showers with 东南风3至4The maximum temperature is 28℃ tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow, cloudy during the day to showers, the night after the day after tomorrow to the day after tomorrow, cloudy, the actual minimum temperature this morning: 19.3℃ 14 o'clock temperature: 28.9℃

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