If I were an element, I wish I were water, because water is good for everything. I like blue and pearl, like autumn. Because all three of them give me a sense of elegance, even if you don't have to mention it, you can feel this peace. The lattice texture is the most classic. I can't eat spicy food but I like it very much. Miss Coco says that women who don't wear perfume have no future, although I think her statement is a marketing gimmick. I love the serenity of the forest, wrapped in my favorite circle.

I use the suffix of my Chinese name as the inspiration for my logo, which I think is the simplest and most recognizable

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that feeling is exactly what ? when you just never imagined how could you be opened your mouth to shout that person’s name out loud .... how could you dared to say that name up aloud in front of families or among your all friends or even in the crowd .... that you liked the person , you loved that one , you wished to be with that human .... so long long those times before , still so long long times in these after , and lasted ago till now long long earlier already .... how could you did something to make you a perfect girl to that one fully get recognize you , notice you , record you , pay attention you , remember you , reply you , then love back to you and fall in love with you completely , someday in still being as possible future . fortunately for you , after all , finally you can also get realize clearly that .... the first two things also had became true at one day earlier . but the last one did not ever . but lastly .... but in the end neither should nor could be anymore !
all just for that person’s turn back .
all only for one word : “ love “ .
so you said that you had liked that one long ago .
so you say : in this life you will always like and fall into only the one , that’s the person .
so i say : “ in this life i just like one person , just like only one person , always and forever it’s You , no one even just only one person anymore in own future forever after . no one else . none “

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