
I am back! My other home

When I stepped on the soil of my other home Beijing at  5am this morning with my trainer Chris, this city felt so different. My Chinese journey will open a new chapter. This afternoon, I will formally sign a contract with BeiKong club to play the 2017-2018 season for my beloved Beijing. This will be the last season of my 21 year career.

I am thrilled to finish my career in Beijing. This is my home, my destiny . It was a long two months deciding where to go, there were other opportunities but it’s hard to accept  leaving Beijing to play for another city. Through my two decades of my basketball career I've joined different teams. I've represented different cities, even in China. I had my stories in Shanxi and in Foshan; both teams treated me well enough and prepared me for what’s happened next. Finally after my landing in Beijing , it became home, a place I don’t want to leave forever. The way this city treated me and the love bond between  the people and I make me fall in love with the life here forever.

As I said many times before, I want to live here forever. Today my wish came true.

I want to thank BeiKong Club for trusting me and keeping me home. Even though I am a 40 year old veteran, I still have a lot of fuel left in my tank. I am looking forward towards meeting the head coach Mr Dingwei and my new teammates this afternoon. I will leave everything on the court in this coming season. It’s my honor to wear BeiKong’s jersey representing this city in a different way. It's my honor to fight with my new teammates. With Shavlik Randolph , Zaid Abbass and every other one of my teammates. We have the chance to become a very competitive group along with BeiKong working on gathering more talent for this coming season. I believe we can do something to shock this league.

I want to thank all the fans who were patiently waiting for my decision. I was told by my friends when I decided to play my final year, most of you promised to support me by accompanying me through the last chapter of my basketball career. I want to tell you right now, not only will you see me play for Beijing this coming season, you will see the same player doing the same things on a different court. I trust my teammates and I will work hard to make you want to buy BeiKong’s tickets and show support.

I want to thank ShouGang club once again for terminating the contract so I would be free to find a new team to play this final year. I want to thank ex General Manager Mr. Yuanchao. I will never forget that afternoon when we signed the first contract. I want to thank Coach Minlulei for his respect and trust during the past 6 years. He made the three Championship happen , the great partnership between us was such an enjoyment. I want to thank all of my brothers for all the battles. I won’t forget the great times we had and created together. The last season we shared together was not successful which I fully understand the reason ShouGang club decision to rebuild. I wish you all a great coming season.

I want to thank Suiran and every opponent I faced. Through the fierce competitions over the past years we've gain respect towards each other.  I saw the weibo you posted on Weibo, you are one of the toughest defenders I've faced in CBA. We used to go at each other toe to toe all the time . But as players we also understand each other by knowing how hard we worked to compete against each other every night. I am looking forward playing against you once again. It will be hard but it’s also the charm and soul of sports. I will hug him after the game, actually I am looking forward to play against and hug every great sportsmen in this league in my final season. I want to kiss every floor of the CBA to say thank you and goodbye. This is my appreciation of all the great stories that happened on them.

I want to thank my teammates as I told them right after I will definitely play the coming season as my career’s final year at the night when last season ended. As a veteran with pride and dream, I don’t want to end my career that way . I know it was hard but they nailed it down perfectly in keeping me in BJ.

At the very end, please allow me to thank BeiKong once again. Especially Hexining who wore No. 3 before. When I express the wish to still wear No.3 in the coming season to General Manager Mr Lvjinqing, Hexining allow this to come true. I want to thank him for his generosity. I want to thank Mr. Lichunli and the administration of the club to set up our press conference at 3:33pm of 30th this month. I've worn #3 throughout my whole career, it’s such a warm gesture, thank you for the respect. I am looking forward towards seeing all of my media friends today.

At the same night, my movie “my other home ”will host the premiere ceremony, I want to invite all of my media friends too.  On the 4th of August , this movie will be shown in theaters national wide. I won the best new actor award at the Shanghai international movie festival. They asked me how could I do that as a rookie.  I was able to do it by acting out my own story in a movie way.

Now that this is the last of my 21 year long basketball career, I want to write down a happy ending with my new team for this story.

Thank you for walking with me through my journey.
















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