Grey Worm – Jacob Anderson

Grey Worm is the chosen commander of Khaleesi’s Unsullied Army and is her personal protector. And yeah, he’s in love with Missandei.

Jacob Anderson is not a warrior in real life; in fact, he’s a rapper (and obviously an actor). He’s been all around England performing. Could you imagine him as a rapper while watching the GoT?

【千人追思深圳实验学校创校校长金式如】Nearly 1,000 alumi gathered at Shenzhen Experimental School on Sunday, from Shenzhen and around China, to mourn the death of their respected principal -- Jin Shiru -- who died of an illness Saturday at the age of 75.
The death of Jin has aroused waves of grief among the education circles in Shenzhen as the deceased principal was regarded as one of the most important education pioneers, who had helped build the city’s education up from nothing over the last three decades.
Jin was born in Shanghai in 1943 and came to Shenzhen in 1984 to take on the role as the vice principal at Shenzhen Binhe Middle School. He was one of the first new comers to explore the education path for the newly created special economic zone.
Jin helped to establish Shenzhen Exprimental School during his second year in Shenzhen. From an office with only 6 square meters of space, Jin built up the school that has enjoyed a good reputation in Shenzhen, in China and gradually overseas.
Over 1,000 alumni of the school attended the memorial service Sunday morning. Many had come back to Shenzhen from other cities and some alumni who are living abroad even asked their parents to present flowers for them. Some retired teachers from the school also attended to show their respect for the former principal.

A tiger
Don't lose no sleep
Don't need opinions
From a shellfish or a sheep
Don't you come for me
No not today
You're calculated
I got your number
'Cause you're a joker
And I'm a courtside killer queen
And you will kiss the ring
You best believe
So keep calm honey I'ma stick around
For more than a minute get used to it
Funny my name keeps comin' outcho mouth
'Cause I stay winning
Lay 'em up like
Swish swish bish
Another one in the basket
Can't touch this
Another one in the casket

Your game is tired
You should retire
You're 'bout as cute as
An old coupon expired
And karma's not a liar
She keeps receipts
So keep calm honey I'ma stick around
For more than a minute get used to it
Funny my name keeps comin' outcho mouth
'Cause I stay winning
Lay 'em up like
Swish swish bish
Another one in the basket
Can't touch this
Another one in the casket

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