CR07 帖子
The most appealing characteristic of Toggle Anchor Terminal CR07 is that it can be completely hidden in the metal post, which presents a clean look for the post. CR07 is highly recommended for posts up against walls, because you only need to drill holes in one side of the post. Also, using it on the corner post can make one single corner post design come true. CR07 can only act as terminals, so please use it with cable railing tensioners (search for muzata CB05, muzata CR36 or muzata CR38). Meanwhile, we innovated and launched a new tensioner - the swageless version of CR07 - please search muzata CB17 for it.

The most appealing characteristic of Toggle Anchor Terminal CR07 is that it can be completely hidden in the metal post, which presents a clean look for the post. CR07 is highly recommended for posts up against walls, because you only need to drill holes in one side of the post. Also, using it on the corner post can make one single corner post design come true. CR07 can only act as terminals, so please use it with cable railing tensioners (search for muzata CB05, muzata CR36 or muzata CR38). Meanwhile, we innovated and launched a new tensioner - the swageless version of CR07 - please search muzata CB17 for it.

Muzata Cable Railing Side Mounted Post Square Brushed 42’’x2’’x2’’ Pre-Drilled for 30 Degree Angle Stairs Wood Concrete Deck Balustrade PF01 LA4L, PT1 PT2 PT5
Side mounted- This side-mounted post is designed to be attached on side of the landing or stairs. It’s ideal for the situation when there is limited room on the surface, leaving a larger area on the step and broadening the view.
Commercial height- 42’’ height is suitable for commercial cable railing project, providing more security as it reduces the risk of falling off. This post is also ideal for installing an invisible cable railing system on deck, stair, porch, and balcony.
Water-proof- The post is made of T304 stainless steel, which does great in weather protection and corrosion resistance. It’s ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. Besides, all the accessories are made of stainless steel. However, we don’t suggest you use this post in applications near the seaside cities or in humid conditions. We will launch aluminum posts with fluorocarbon finishing to work for coastal applications in the near future.
Easy to install- The holes are pre-drilled in 30 degree with each spacing of standard 3’’ distance, resolving the problem of drilling hole by yourself. It’s suitable for the stair railing system of 30 degree or so. The adjustable flat bracket and curved bracket are both included to fit rectangle or round handrails. We carefully designed this post to work for code compliance of almost all the states.
Items included- stainless steel post x 1; adhesive tape x 6; allen wrench x2; curved bracket; flat bracket x 1; washer x 3; screw x 3; screwdriver x 1; screws x 2 for wood handrails; screws x 2 for metal handrails; round end cap x 3; metal plate for the posts x 1. We provide a one-stop cable railing store and personalized design for your project. Please reach us if you have any question or need.

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