Notification of stopping COSMOPOLITAN presell program

Regarding the condition that confirmation of receiving goods costs nearly one day, and guarantee every overseas fan who buys the magazine could receive reading code, Taobao Shop ''夺笋快乐屋''; would end the presell program of COSMOPOLITAN magazine on June 20th at 0 o’clock (GMT+8).

Please be sure that you have confirmed receiving goods before June 21st.
Otherwise, the funds would be left in the third-party platform, and we couldn’t buy it for you.

After the magazine was officially sold, the reading code would send it to your personal mailbox in succession. Please pay attention and check it out.
Thank you for your support for Lelush and the service of helping purchase program.

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Directed by Johnnie To,The suspenseful police and criminal blockbuster "Blind Detective" starring Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng will soon be at 0:00 local time on the 20th.World premiere in the "Midnight Screening" section of the Cannes Film Festival.yesterday,The film crew announced the Cannes International poster,The "handsome and blind" Andy Lau and the "beautiful" Sammi Cheng are just like Holmes and Watson,Standing in the eye socket of a skeleton,Makes people interested in what the film says?Directed by Johnnie To,The suspenseful police and criminal blockbuster "Blind Detective" starring Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng will soon be at 0:00 local time on the 20th.World premiere in the "Midnight Screening" section of the Cannes Film Festival.yesterday,The film crew announced the Cannes International poster,The "handsome and blind" Andy Lau and the "beautiful" Sammi Cheng are just like Holmes and Watson,Standing in the eye socket of a skeleton,People are very interested in what the movie says.

Last night at Bellagio Shanghai three of my original works of art were sold at auction with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th highest hammer prices of the 30 work lot offered, which included many very high profile artists.

These are my 70th, 71st and 72nd sales of original artwork for 2021 so far and my 460th, 461st and 462nd sales of original artwork since Jan 2017. [太阳][太阳]

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