Social involution,Naked resignation....
Which is a hot spot nowadays and hit many attentions of young generations.
What will you do if you choose to quit your job without having another job lined up?
How do you deal with all kinds of negative emotions in this stage?
What’s your next plan?
And i am involved in this war, a endless war now. When i made a decision to resign, i struggled it a lot for long time. People like us who neither have the strong passion as graduates or the rich experience of work,i put myself in A super embarrassing phase!
Winter is coming, i was not born to be a fighter,at least to defend my dream.And i choose to resign nakedly and decide to hang around for a time.
The time we are now may be the oldest time in the years we have come, but it is also the youngest time in the remaining days.
The man who fears losing has already lost, and i confront it head-on.
Do not regret,do not look back,do not give up.

Seems like you hit a mouse while riding a bike
Stop the car
I found it really rushed into the grass on the side of the road
Squatted there staring at me
I was preparing to take a photo with my phone
A boy walked by
Then I couldn't help but sneered.I had to put away the phone quickly.I just want to know
What are you laughing at?

xz523 points stickers,Ask for 20 bunnies,Show the way back,Zhu Chao will not look back at the picture I just received 昨天,what,Hit my heart as a positive energy artist,Xiao Zhan guided fans to enthusiastically do charity,Xiao Zhan has good acting skills,Xiao Zhan singing stick,Xiao Zhan has a high face value,Xiao Zhan is very heartwarming,Xiao Zhan has good character,Xiao Zhan is polite,Xiao Zhan worked hard,Xiao Zhan is very dedicated,Xiao Zhanxz523 points stickers,Ask for 20 bunnies,Show the way back,Zhu Chao will not look back at the picture I just received 昨天,what,Hit my heart as a positive energy artist,Xiao Zhan guided fans to enthusiastically do charity,Xiao Zhan has good acting skills,Xiao Zhan singing stick,Xiao Zhan has a high face value,Xiao Zhan is very heartwarming,Xiao Zhan has good character,Xiao Zhan is polite,Xiao Zhan worked hard,Xiao Zhan is very dedicated,Xiao Zhan respects seniors,Xiao Zhan's gentleman manner,Xiao Zhan's three views are right,Xiao Zhan leads fans to become better and better,Xiao Zhan is a good artist with Gen Zhengmiaohong!

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