Day57, I was lazy yesterday, guitar todayCannon picking practice bpm160 Today, my dad asked me how I practiced, I practiced a song. Didn't I say that I was practicing speed and I owed the promise that I would play the dream catcher to him and listen to it. I guess it's the year of the monkeyAfter checking the express delivery ten times a day, I finally found out the end of customs clearance tonight hahahaha!I guess it will be there in a day or two.Day57, I was lazy yesterday, guitar todayCannon picking practice bpm160 Today, my dad asked me how I practiced, I practiced a song. Didn't I say that I was practicing speed and I owed the promise that I would play the dream catcher to him and listen to it. I guess it's the year of the monkeyAfter checking the express delivery ten times a day, I finally found out the end of customs clearance tonight hahahaha!It is estimated that it will be available in one or two days, la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la la la. Yesterday, I went to super chat and unexpectedly learned that the spider sister is due to be born in August.La thick card thick card!

Nice day✌️

Daily non-stop running schedule
My hands are worn out~~~ But is this the reason to buy a diamond ring...
Ha, 1.2 carats
thank dad counting as cheap.
Nice day ....

The weather is too good
is it so highyouthpark is too fun to climb the mountain
or is it so scaryDad played with a group of high school students without disobedience and feeling too harmonious. The high school students heard that he was already a dad and jumped up in shock. How happy are these days?

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