#OK!BEAUTY#有一种优雅,叫做法国女人,她们爱生活中的丝丝慵懒,也追崇从头到脚的精致时髦。要说除了穿着之外,法国女人的最大特点,不在于妆容,而是那一头慵懒健康、氛围感十足的头发!来自巴黎的传奇沙龙护发品牌Leonor Greyl,就是法式发型的灵魂,品牌推崇以自然之力呵护头发,充斥着“Less is More”的法式魅力。OK!推荐先使用Leonor Greyl 玫瑰精华活发油净化头皮、稳固发根,再用Leonor Greyl 蜂蜜洗发露温和清洁、充盈发丝,更容易打造随意且有质感的根根发丝~

Why is it cold in the body when the temperature is so high in summer?According to common sense
The human body is cold in summer
The inside of the human body is hot in winter.Why is the temperature so high in summer
Is it cold inside the body?Because the human body and the laws of heaven and earth are synchronized.在夏天
The Yang Qi of the whole world is outside (on the ground)
Yin Qi is inside (underground)
You can touch the well water
It's very cold.And the yang is there all winter?Why is it cold in the body when the temperature is so high in summer?According to common sense
The human body is cold in summer
The inside of the human body is hot in winter.Why is the temperature so high in summer
Is it cold inside the body?Because the human body and the laws of heaven and earth are synchronized.In summer
The Yang Qi of the whole world is outside (on the ground)
Yin Qi is inside (underground)
You can touch the well water
It's very cold.And the Yang Qi is inside (underground) throughout the winter
Yin Qi is outside (on the ground)
So in winter
You go to touch the well water or go to the cave
People will feel warm.The human body follows the movement of the heaven and earth energy field
Summer blood runs on the body surface
People sweat easily
The energy has gone to the body surface
The internal part is naturally weak and cold; the body's qi and blood run in it in winterIt's easy to get hot inside
The pores of the skin are closed
Does not sweat easily.In this way
In summer
you should eat less cold things.So as not to aggravate the cold
For example
Ice cream
Eat less various iced fruit drinks.There is an old saying "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer"
Ginger is good for tonic in summer.Don't eat satiated
the spleen and stomach were not digested due to the deficiency of coldIt will only get angry after eating it.夏天吃姜不容易生气
为什么夏天吃冰棒时会口渴In summer
喝冰水和吃冰棍会使您在进食时感到口渴; 喝一杯热水或热茶
而不是口渴也许当时感觉很热但是过了一会儿 整个人感觉很酷
您喝的水也不吸收你吃冰的越多 你越渴

Silver nitrate is an inorganic compound with chemical formula AgNO3. This salt is a versatile precursor to many other silver compounds, such as those used in photography. It is far less sensitive to light than the halides. It was once called lunar caustic because silver was called luna by the ancient alchemists, who associated silver with the moon.

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