
Belle, c'est un mot qu'on dirait inventé pour lui,
Quand il danse et qui met son corps à jour, tel,
Un oiseau qui étend ses ailes pour s'envoler,
Alors je sens l'enfer s'ouvrir sous mes pieds.


【DPRK's System for Nursing and Upbringing of Children】

Pyongyang, May 31 (KCNA) -- June 1 is the International Children's Day.

On this occasion, the DPRK people keenly feel the advantages of the state system for nursing and upbringing of children through the happy looks of children who grow with nothing to envy in the world, being called the king of the country.

The country has put forward the issue of nursing and upbringing of children as an important state affair and paid deep attention to it.

The Law of the DPRK on the Nursing and Upbringing of Children was adopted at the Sixth Session of the Fifth Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK in April, Juche 65 (1976).

With the adoption of the law, the system that trains all the children, the future of the country, at state and social expense was further consolidated.

The state and social benefits are allotted to all the children, irrespective of the occupations of their parents and quantity and quality of their labor.

The state bears all the expenses for building and managing the nurseries and kindergartens, and even the foodstuff for children.

Nurseries and kindergartens have taught the children to have noble mentality and morality loving collective and comrades since their childhood and developed their talents according to their aptitudes.

They have also made children do physical training in a regular way according to their age and physique and conducted a systematic medical service.

Thanks to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's noble outlook on posterity, the happy laughter of children is reverberating far and wide on this land. -0-

【法艺术家在埃菲尔铁塔前陈列巨幅作品 塔下惊现“大峡谷” | Instalación visual deja a la Torre Eiffel tambaleándose sobre un barranco】Una instalación de arte ha creado la ilusión óptica de que la Torre Eiffel de París, Francia, está encaramada precariamente sobre un barranco rocoso. La obra de arte de un artista, que usa el seudónimo JR, consistió en colocar una imagen de un barranco y los pilares que forman la base de la Torre Eiffel, en el piso de una explanada que da a la torre. Más: https://t.cn/A6VCMpz6

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