I feel so tired
where's my suger
all boys r player
only I'm a loser
loser yes loser
where's my sugar
I don't want to be a liar
every day drunk in the ch as a loser
where's my truly suger
I really want ya…

for Mr. Wang yong & Mr. Zeng gan

#AugustNamfah[超话]# Good new for you!

Because Gust Fah have many fans who want to see them together, so CH3 decided give them more events & drama couple in future

The time is unknown, but GustFah sure will have next drama as a couple in future (and events of couple)

Please wait after covid19, you can see them together with many events (and new dramas) [可爱]

CKU 15周年 首届“中秀”全场总冠军获得者,是来自京都驿的边境牧羊犬母犬Guns N‘ Roses
Best In Show :CH Border Avenue Guns

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