【IMF to provide 50-bln-USD emergency financing to help address COVID-19 IMF宣布提供最高达500亿美元应对#新冠肺炎疫情# 】

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is making available about 50 billion U.S. dollars through its rapid-disbursing emergency financing facilities for low-income and emerging market countries in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the multilateral lender announced Wednesday.

"We know that the disease is spreading quickly. With over one-third of our membership affected directly, this is no longer a regional issue -- it is a global problem calling for a global response," IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said at a joint press conference with World Bank Group President David Malpass.

"Under any scenario, global growth in 2020 will drop below last year's level," said Georgieva.

In January, the IMF had projected global growth to improve to 3.3 percent this year from 2.9 percent last year. Then in February, it revised down 2020 global growth to 3.2 percent.

Dropping below last year's level means further downgrading of global growth forecast.

The IMF chief said she is "particularly concerned about our low-income and more vulnerable members -- these countries may see financing needs rise rapidly as the economic and human cost of the virus escalates."

For low-income countries, the IMF has rapid-disbursing emergency financing of up to 10 billion dollars (50 percent of quota of eligible members) that can be accessed without a full-fledged IMF program, according to Georgieva.

Other members can access emergency financing through the Rapid Financing Instrument, which could provide about 40 billion dollars for emerging markets that "could potentially approach us for financial support," she said.

The IMF chief added that the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, which proved to be effective during the 2014 Ebola outbreak, is now underfunded with just over 200 million dollars available against possible needs of over 1 billion dollars.

"I called on member countries to help ensure that this facility is fully re-charged and ready for the current crisis," she said.


Hey, honey...@JustinBieber

Today is ur 26th birthday. This year is also the tenth year that I have known u and fallen in love with THE FEELING. Hhh...actually it was through the popular BABY that I got to know u. You're so brilliant when shinning on the stage, singing UNDER THE MISTLETOE in the snow, ALAYLM at Victoria's Secret, SORRY in the rain, INTENTIONS at SNL, etc.

We all know that spotlights put pressure on u and something bad happened to you, u've made mistakes, u've been confused. But now everything's gonna BE ALRIGHT. The following pictures are captured from NEVER SAY NEVER and we're glad to see ur CHANGES, see u're ALl IN IT again and again in music, learn to take responsibilities and grow BIGGER.

We still TRUST and ALL AROUND YOU after ten years. I BELIEVE that u've adjusted and on ur way back DOWN TO EARTH, lookin forward to seein u HIT THE GROUND on CHARGES TOUR ASAP.

May u have a YUMMY birthday and give urself PURPOSE in the new year. Fear NO PRESSURE, cuz we BELIEBERS will be RIGHT HERE with u FOREVER and we can be each others COMPANY.


Bless you!

【疫情期间,如何科学收快递?[来]】中国疾控中心提示,快递包裹在运输过程中被新型冠状病毒污染的可能性小,目前尚未有因接收快递而感染新冠肺炎的报道。在有新冠病毒肺炎传播的地区,为避免接触传播风险,应采取以下预防措施:1.快递员在处理和运送快递包裹过程中需全程佩戴好口罩和手套,注意保持包裹的清洁,尤其要避免被人员呼吸道分泌物污染表面。2.取件人取快递时,有条件的可以请快递员将物品存放在快递柜,出门前或必须与快递员接触前,佩戴好口罩和手套,避免人员聚集。处理完包裹后要及时摘下手套,并用流水洗手或使用手消毒剂。3.快递外包装按照生活垃圾分类要求及时妥善处理。Pendant l'épidémie de coronavirus, comment récupérer un colis ? Selon le Centre de contrôle et de prévention des maladies de Chine, les colis sont moins susceptibles d'être contaminés par le nouveau coronavirus pendant le transport et il n’y a eu aucun cas d'infection dû à la réception de colis . Pour éviter le risque d'infection par contact dans les zones où le nouveau coronavirus se propage, les précautions suivantes doivent être prises : 1. Le livreur doit porter un masque et des gants tout au long du processus de manipulation et de livraison du colis. Il faut garder le colis propre, surtout éviter la contamination de la surface par les sécrétions respiratoires. 2. Lors de la récupération du colis, le destinataire peut demander au livreur de mettre le colis dans une consigne. Avant de sortir ou de contacter le livreur, il faut porter un masque et des gants et s’éloigner des endroits bondés. Après avoir reçu le colis, il faut retirer les gants à temps et laver les mains à l'eau courante ou utiliser un désinfectant. 3. Les emballages doivent être traités conformément au tri des déchets ménagers.

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