今早晨读讲了个词line one’s pockets,可以理解为中饱私囊,我拓展了pocket作为动词的用法,和回扣可以说成kickback。然后我问大家:看到这个词,想到了哪个历史人物?


意外之喜是图4介绍和珅的文章中,还有意外之喜:skim和use XX coffer as one’s mint,是不是和line one’s pockets差不多?






1. 警觉

很多时候,人们会说,“哦,没人理解我”。 相反,他们应该说,“我还不能够表达自己。”如果你有表达的技巧,那就不会有误解。感知、观察和表达——所有这些都来自于警觉。

如果你长时间保持高度警觉,会怎样呢? 你会疲倦和感到精疲力竭。所以, 一直保持警觉并不是我们大脑的本性。我们需要放松。我们所知道的放松方式就是抱个枕头去睡觉。仅此而已。睡眠是需要的,但还有一种放松方式,让你既警觉同时又放松,那就是静心。

2. 解决冲突的能力


如果你把一个聪明的人置于冲突之中,冲突是会更严重还是会减轻? 一定是会减轻或被完全解决! 倾向于传播和谐是聪明的标志。找到解决办法的能力是聪明的标志。

3. 幽默


你知道辨喜大师是怎么回答的吗? 他说:“先生,无论你什么时候告诉我,我会马上飞走的。”


4. 压力管理

What are the signs of Intelligence?

Buddha means the enlightened, and also the super intelligent. Buddhi in Sanskrit means intelligence, and there are four signs of intelligence.

The first sign of intelligence is being alert. You can’t say that I am intelligent but I am a little sleepy. Intelligence means alertness. When you are alert, your perception and observation improves and this helps your expression become perfect.

Many times, people say, “Oh, nobody understands me.” Instead, they should say, “I haven’t been able to express myself.” If you have the skill to express, then there can be no misunderstandings. Perception, observation, and expression – all these come from being alert.

Now, if you keep yourself very alert for long periods of time, what happens? You get tired and feel exhausted. So, it’s not in the nature of our brain to be alert all the time. We need relaxation. And the type of relaxation we know is taking a pillow and going to sleep. That's it. Sleep is necessary, but there is another type of relaxation where you are alert and at the same time relaxed, and that is meditation.

2.Ability to Resolve Conflict
Another sign of intelligence is the ability to resolve conflict. Fools create conflicts. An intelligent person knows how to resolve conflicts in oneself and in her/his surroundings.

If someone is creative but creates a lot of conflicts, you say, “Oh my god, that's not an intelligent thing to do”, isn't it so?

If you put an intelligent person amid a conflict, will there be more conflict or will s/he reduce it? S/he will reduce or resolve it! The tendency to bring harmony is a sign of intelligence. The ability to find a solution is a sign of intelligence.

The next sign of intelligence is humor.

There is a story I would like to tell you. Swami Vivekananda went to a restaurant and went and sat on the same table as his professor. The professor told Swami Vivekananda, “A pig and a bird can't sit on the same table and eat.”

Do you know what Swami Vivekananda said? He said, “Sir, whenever you tell me, I will fly away.”

Intelligence has the ability to turn every conflict into humor. Humor is another sign of intelligence. If you have humor, you will overcome any conflicting situation.

4.Stress Management
Another sign of intelligence is not getting stressed, and if you do get stressed, to know how to get over it. Intelligence is to know how much to use our mind and our body, and to not overuse it. If we overuse our mind and our body, we get drained, exhausted, and tired.





如果你长时间保持高度警觉,会怎样呢? 你会疲倦和感到精疲力竭。所以,一直保持警觉并不是我们大脑的本性。我们需要放松。我们所知道的放松方式就是拿个枕头去睡觉。仅此而已。睡眠是需要的,但还有一种放松方式让你既警觉同时又放松,那就是静心。

2. 解决冲突的能力


如果你把一个聪明人置于冲突之中,冲突是会更严重还是会减轻? 一定是会减轻或被完全解决! 倾向于传播和谐是聪明的标志。可以找到解决办法的能力是聪明的标志。

3. 幽默


你知道辨喜大师是怎么回答的吗? 他说:“先生,无论你什么时候告诉我,我会马上飞走的。”


4. 压力管理

What are the signs of Intelligence?

Buddha means the enlightened, and also the super intelligent. Buddhi in Sanskrit means intelligence, and there are four signs of intelligence.

The first sign of intelligence is being alert. You can’t say that I am intelligent but I am a little sleepy. Intelligence means alertness. When you are alert, your perception and observation improves and this helps your expression become perfect.

Many times, people say, “Oh, nobody understands me.” Instead, they should say, “I haven’t been able to express myself.” If you have the skill to express, then there can be no misunderstandings. Perception, observation, and expression – all these come from being alert.

Now, if you keep yourself very alert for long periods of time, what happens? You get tired and feel exhausted. So, it’s not in the nature of our brain to be alert all the time. We need relaxation. And the type of relaxation we know is taking a pillow and going to sleep. That's it. Sleep is necessary, but there is another type of relaxation where you are alert and at the same time relaxed, and that is meditation.

2.Ability to Resolve Conflict
Another sign of intelligence is the ability to resolve conflict. Fools create conflicts. An intelligent person knows how to resolve conflicts in oneself and in her/his surroundings.

If someone is creative but creates a lot of conflicts, you say, “Oh my god, that's not an intelligent thing to do”, isn't it so?

If you put an intelligent person amid a conflict, will there be more conflict or will s/he reduce it? S/he will reduce or resolve it! The tendency to bring harmony is a sign of intelligence. The ability to find a solution is a sign of intelligence.

The next sign of intelligence is humor.

There is a story I would like to tell you. Swami Vivekananda went to a restaurant and went and sat on the same table as his professor. The professor told Swami Vivekananda, “A pig and a bird can't sit on the same table and eat.”

Do you know what Swami Vivekananda said? He said, “Sir, whenever you tell me, I will fly away.”

Intelligence has the ability to turn every conflict into humor. Humor is another sign of intelligence. If you have humor, you will overcome any conflicting situation.

4.Stress Management
Another sign of intelligence is not getting stressed, and if you do get stressed, to know how to get over it. Intelligence is to know how much to use our mind and our body, and to not overuse it. If we overuse our mind and our body, we get drained, exhausted, and tired.

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