特朗普Hush Money案件庭审第五周(第17天),历史消息依然可见。
Cohen details April 2018 FBI raid
Michael Cohen says he was raided by the FBI in April 2018.
Cohen says he was staying at the Loews Regency hotel at the time because his apartment had flooded.
"At 7 a.m. in the morning, there’s a knock on the door. I look through the peep hole. I saw a ton of people out in the hallway. I saw the badge so I opened the door. They identified themselves as the FBI, asked me to step into the hallway," he says.
Cohen explains that "the search warrant gave them the right to take my two cell phones, any electronic devices as well as records."
Trump has looked in the direction of the witness stand twice as Cohen testifies about the FBI raid of his hotel room, apartment and office.

特朗普Hush Money案件庭审第五周(第17天),支票存根在说谎,发票也一样。
Cohen confirms Trump signed each check from April and beyond
Asked who signed each of the checks from April and beyond, Michael Cohen confirmed each time: "Donald J. Trump."
The prosecution continued to review the checks for each month with Cohen.

13 min ago
Prosecutor is repeatedly using language like "false invoice"
As prosecutor Susan Hoffinger goes through each monthly invoice and payment to Michael Cohen, she makes an effort to repeatedly use language like "false invoice" that "falsely states" it is for a retainer agreement that did not exist.
Cohen confirms each time the invoice "falsely states" the payment was for services rendered during that month. She also confirms with him each time the description on each check stub "falsely states" it's for a retainer.

特朗普Hush Money案件庭审第五周(第17天),支票存根在说谎。
Prosecution shows April check signed by Trump as Cohen testifies about how he received Daniels reimbursement
The March check from the revocable trust was signed by Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg, Cohen says.
Looking at a signed check for $35,000 to Cohen in April, Hoffinger asked, "Whose signature is it?"
"Donald J. Trump," Cohen said.
"Were any of those checks in fact for work during the months described in those check stubs?" Hoffinger asks Cohen.
"No ma’am," Cohen replied.
Jurors first saw these checks during testimony from Jeff McConney and Trump Org. employee Deborah Tarasoff. McConney testified that he would forward the invoices to Tarasoff, who handles accounts payable for the checks to be cut to Cohen.

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