#刘宇宁燕子京# 丨#刘宇宁珠帘玉幕# 丨#摩登兄弟[超话]#




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[音乐] https://t.cn/A6YFm1Gy
[音乐] https://t.cn/A6YfzmNe

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Notes on travelling to Japan by Shih Chien Kuan, Dhuta Bhiksu Master PE of Jizu Lotus Mountain (1)#祖师行脚#
He wants only to do his utmost to put away all fame, power, ashram and believers in order to be qualified for wearing the cassock to pursue the wisdom of Buddhism and not to let his lifetime slip by in vain.
A mendicant Buddhist monk traveling to Japan for dhutanga practice is purely because he has not yet fully understood his own mind just like the honored master Zhao Zhou who was still traveling around at the age of eighty.
Th Buddhism in both Japan and Korea are introduced from China. Basically all schools such as Dhyana, Vinaya, Vajrayana, Pure-land, Yogacara and so on are all introduced to Japan.
By this trip, Dhuta Bhiksu Master PE is to fulfil his wish of initiating the dhuta practice in Japan, and meanwhile taking the opportunity to thank Ohigashi, a Japanese monk in Shingon sect, who has spent more than ten years collecting the graphic and text evidences of Nanjing massacre with the hope that Japanese will never forget their committed crimes and not hide and fear to face the fact. The Buddha said that there are two kinds of people who are most intelligent. The frist are the saints who never make mistakes, and the second are those who confess their sins and never do it again.
With admiration for Ohigashi who, reviled and blamed by the Japanese Right wingers, adheres to his aspiration of helping both Japan and China for the world peace with the broad mind of buhhdists having no country boundaries in keeping a peaceful world, Master PE himself travels to Japan and represents the buhhdists in China to express their thanks to Ohigashi.
Without the ancient masters seeking dharma in India or traveling to Japan to spread the dharma by risking their own lives, there would be no Buddhist sutras or the inheritance of Buddhsim in Japan and Korea. Therefore, under the revealment and guidance of all Buddhas and the guard of dharma protectors (believers) for Jizu Lotus Mountain, Master PE has a wish to pass on the dhuta practice in Japan and to diminish hostility between China and Japan. The main items he carried with him to Japan are: cassock, alms bowl, mat, umbrella, relevant sutras and scriptures, Pu’er tea and Dahongpao tea, which are all basic material supplies for body and soul.
Initiate dhuta practice of Buddhism in Japan and Korea.
Highlight Buddhism transmission to Japan and Korea from China.
Help regain common prosperity of great China’s Chan culture.
Promote Buddhas’ unworldly compassionate and benefiting aspiration.

頭陀比丘master pe
Shih Chien Kuan, Dhuta Bhiksu Master PE of Jizu Lotus Mountain
In 2016, at the airport customs of Nagoya in central Japan.

Notes on travelling to Japan by Shih Chien Kuan, Dhuta Bhiksu Master PE of Jizu Lotus Mountain (1)
He wants only to do his utmost to put away all fame, power, ashram and believers in order to be qualified for wearing the cassock to pursue the wisdom of Buddhism and not to let his lifetime slip by in vain.
A mendicant Buddhist monk traveling to Japan for dhutanga practice is purely because he has not yet fully understood his own mind just like the honored master Zhao Zhou who was still traveling around at the age of eighty.
Th Buddhism in both Japan and Korea are introduced from China. Basically all schools such as Dhyana, Vinaya, Vajrayana, Pure-land, Yogacara and so on are all introduced to Japan.
By this trip, Dhuta Bhiksu Master PE is to fulfil his wish of initiating the dhuta practice in Japan, and meanwhile taking the opportunity to thank Ohigashi, a Japanese monk in Shingon sect, who has spent more than ten years collecting the graphic and text evidences of Nanjing massacre with the hope that Japanese will never forget their committed crimes and not hide and fear to face the fact. The Buddha said that there are two kinds of people who are most intelligent. The frist are the saints who never make mistakes, and the second are those who confess their sins and never do it again.
With admiration for Ohigashi who, reviled and blamed by the Japanese Right wingers, adheres to his aspiration of helping both Japan and China for the world peace with the broad mind of buhhdists having no country boundaries in keeping a peaceful world, Master PE himself travels to Japan and represents the buhhdists in China to express their thanks to Ohigashi.
Without the ancient masters seeking dharma in India or traveling to Japan to spread the dharma by risking their own lives, there would be no Buddhist sutras or the inheritance of Buddhsim in Japan and Korea. Therefore, under the revealment and guidance of all Buddhas and the guard of dharma protectors (believers) for Jizu Lotus Mountain, Master PE has a wish to pass on the dhuta practice in Japan and to diminish hostility between China and Japan. The main items he carried with him to Japan are: cassock, alms bowl, mat, umbrella, relevant sutras and scriptures, Pu’er tea and Dahongpao tea, which are all basic material supplies for body and soul.
Initiate dhuta practice of Buddhism in Japan and Korea.
Highlight Buddhism transmission to Japan and Korea from China.
Help regain common prosperity of great China’s Chan culture.
Promote Buddhas’ unworldly compassionate and benefiting aspiration.

頭陀比丘master pe
Shih Chien Kuan, Dhuta Bhiksu Master PE of Jizu Lotus Mountain
In 2016, at the airport customs of Nagoya in central Japan.

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