球迷一度被认为是超高清晰度技术发展的最大受益者,在大尺寸高清晰度的屏幕上观看赛事,理论上更能带来无与伦比的沉浸感。但这个夏天,即便你拥有 4K 电视机并开通了 4K 频道,也只能收看 HD 分辨率的欧洲杯和欧冠联赛。

当然,观众的口味才是根本中的根本。但观众的主流偏好到底是什么,行业中存在着诸多分歧。欧足联认为分辨率不是一切,他们认为当引入 HDR 技术时,分辨率带来的视觉观感提升并不大。一项用 HD-HDR 与 4K 进行对比的观众测试标明,大部分人更喜欢 HD-HDR 中更好的画面细节表现。而这也是欧足联在放弃 4K 的同时保留 HDR 制作的原因。


Centralne Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
Internierungslager Lamsdorf (1870/71, im Ersten Weltkrieg)
Stalag VIII B, Stalag VIII F/318, Stalag 344
Gedenkstätte des Nachkriegslagers Lamsdorf
很厉害的一个地方,历代都是战 俘营。
Stalag VIII-B was a German Army prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the village of Lamsdorf (now Łambinowice) in Silesia. The camp initially occupied barracks built to house British and French prisoners in World War I. At this same location there had been a prisoner camp during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.
In the 1860s, the Prussian Army established a training area for artillery at a wooded area near Lamsdorf, a small village connected by rail to Opole and Nysa. During the Franco-Prussian War, a camp for French prisoners of war was established here, which housed some 3000 French POW's. During the First World War, a much larger POW camp was established here with some 90,000 soldiers of various nationalities interned here. After the treaty of Versailles, the camp was closed down.
It was reopened in 1939 to house Polish prisoners from the German invasion of Poland, which started World War II in September 1939. Later during the war, approximately 100,000 prisoners from Australia, Belgium, British India, British Palestine, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, the United States and Yugoslavia passed through this camp. In 1941 a separate camp, Stalag VIII-F was set up close by to house the Soviet prisoners.
In 1943, the Lamsdorf camp was split up, and many of the prisoners (and Arbeitskommando) were transferred to two new base camps Stalag VIII-C Sagan (modern Żagań) and Stalag VIII-D Teschen (modern Český Těšín). The base camp at Lamsdorf was renumbered Stalag 344.
The Soviet Army reached the camp on 17 March 1945.
In 1945-1946, the camp was used by the Soviet-installed Polish Ministry of Public Security to house some 8000-9000 Germans, both prisoners of war and civilians. Polish army personnel being repatriated from POW camps were also processed through Łambinowice and sometimes held there as prisoners for several months. Some were later released, others sent to Gulags in Siberia. About 1000-1500 German prisoners died in the camp due to malnutrition, lack of medicine and acts of violence and terror by the guards. Camp commander Czesław Gęborski was later put on trial for his role in running the camp.

By 1943, the famous camp for Allied flight personnel in Sagan — Stalag Luft III — had become so overcrowded that about 1,000, mostly non-commissioned flight personnel, were transferred to Lamsdorf. A part of Stalag VIII-B was separated by building new barbed-wire fences, designated Stalag Luft VIII-B. Thus a camp within a camp was created. However all food was provided from kitchens operated by army personnel in the camp proper.

Cant remember how many times I’ve watched the trailer. Only a short vid but convey many mysteries if you look into it carefully Im so proud of our Dylan, he is not settled in just romance - idol dramas but challenges himself in different genres Way to go baobei Jia you #王鹤棣# Whd #王鹤棣的蒙d奇# [送花花] #黑夜告白# [好爱哦] #王鹤棣冉方旭#
Cre: to the owners

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