#poohpavel[超话]#pooh post on x.
How are you? #PooHHooPers
I miss you. There are so many things to do these days, studying, exams, projects at university. If I didn't have all my friends supporting me, I don't know what I would take for the exam.
About work that flies everywhere Thank you for the great welcome of fans from everywhere. Glad to see you all. I know we live far apart but all the fans came. Thank you for enjoying the show and the game. Hope to see everyone from both the front and screen teams. Why is everyone so cute?
Thank you for the award to Pitbabe, who is like strength to Pooh, Pitbabe friends, and all the team behind the scenes. It's a small start, but it's an encouragement to every team and HooPers, no matter if everyone just started in the sneak peek. Or have come in since the opening of the shop All Mummy fans Whether you are fans in Thailand or Interfans No matter what language you speak, HooPers share the same language. Pooh wants this space It is the power of happiness. If you're tired, come and receive love and encouragement. If you're discouraged, come and see the smiles. Pooh's. We're getting bigger. Everyone who came in There is a variety as well. But one thing that keeps us together is love, respect for each other, rules and regulations that make everything run smoothly. I want all fans to feel comfortable. Thank you for helping protect Pooh. Maintain order and be a lovely fan. Pooh himself will protect, love and care for everyone as well. Live in each other's happiness. Until today, Pooh himself was very new. Still have to learn and adapt every day. Still not the best. But it will get better to match the love that everyone has given.
Pooh loves all Whoopers♾️

#stray animal planet#
# The process of rescuing stray cats and dogs#
Whenever we come across stray cats and dogs, we are always filled with an urge to help them. If you decide to rescue and bring home a stray dog or cat, which is a choice full of love and responsibility, the following is a simple and basic process that will hopefully help you better start this wonderful journey:
Finding stray dogs and cats:
Pay attention to the surroundings: Observe whether there are stray cats and dogs around, they usually appear in parks, alleys, or streets.
Listen to others' feedback: ask the neighbourhood residents if they have found any stray dogs or cats to get more clues.
Building relationships of trust:
Gentle calling: slowly approach stray cats and dogs and call them with a gentle voice, so that they gradually drop their guard.
Provide food and water: Provide food and water to establish friendly interaction and lay the foundation for rescue.
Provision of temporary shelter:
Prepare shelter: Provide stray cats and dogs with a temporary shelter, such as cardboard boxes, plastic boxes, etc., to protect them from bad weather.
Provide food and water: ensure that there is enough food and water in the shelter to ensure their basic survival needs.
Seek medical assistance:
Conduct preliminary examination: Conduct a preliminary health check on the stray cats and dogs to see if there are any obvious injuries or diseases.
Find a medical institution: Send the injured or sick stray cats and dogs to the nearby animal hospital or rescue organisation for further treatment and care.
Take it home:
Prepare the home environment: Prepare a comfortable living environment for stray cats and dogs, including beds, food and water bowls, cat litter/dog litter, etc.
Patient acceptance: After bringing them home, give them enough warmth and care so that they can gradually adapt to the new environment.
Enjoy the company of love:
Spend quality time with your new family member, every moment is filled with love and warmth. Thank you for your act of kindness that brought happiness and safety to this stray dog and cat. #Rescue and adoption ##Loving companionship #


1.【quite  |  quiet】
quite   [kwaɪt]  adv. 很,相当
quiet   ['kwaɪət]  adj. 安静的

2.【affect  |  effect】
affect   [ə'fekt]  v. 影响;使感动
effect   [ɪ'fekt]  n. 结果,影响  v. 造成

3.【adapt  |  adopt  |  adept】
adapt   [ə'dæpt]  v. (使)适应;改变  [词组] adapt to
adopt  [ə'dɒpt]  v. 采纳;收养
adept  [ə'dept]  v. 熟练的;内行的 n. 专家  [词组] an adept in

4.【angel  |  angle】
angel   ['eɪndʒəl]  n. 天使;赞助人
angle   ['æŋgl]  n. 角;观点 
: /ei/ 和 /æ/ 的发音,大家一定要区别清楚哦~二者第二个音节的发音也非常不同哦~

5.【dairy  |  diary】
dairy   ['deərɪ]  n. 乳制品,牛奶厂
diary   ['daɪərɪ]  n. 日记
: /e/和/aɪ/的发音区别~读/aɪ/的时候一定要大大地张开口腔哦~

6.【contend  |  content  |  context  |  contest】
contend   [kən'tend]  v. 奋斗;斗争;声称
content   ['kɒntent]  n. 内容,要旨  adj. 满足的
context   ['kɒntekst]  n. 上下文,背景,语境
contest   ['kɒntest]  n./v. 竞赛,争论
: 巧记方法:con-有“聚众、一起”的意思,tend是“走向、倾向”,一起倾向就是“声称”;tent是帐篷,一起帐篷具有“空间”的含义,因此是“容量、内容”;text是文本,一堆文本就是“语境、上下文”;test是比赛,一起比赛就是“竞赛、争论”啦!

7.【principal  |  principle】
principal   ['prɪnsəpl]  n. 校长 adj. 主要的,重要的
principle   ['prɪnsəpl]  n. 原则;原理;信条

8.【implicit  |  explicit】
implicit   [ɪm'plɪsɪt]  n. 暗示的;含蓄的
explicit   [ɪk'splɪsɪt]  n. 明确的;清楚的;详尽的

9.【dessert  |  desert  |  dissert】
dessert   [dɪ'zɜːt]  n. 甜点
desert   [dɪ'zɜːt]  v. 抛弃  ['dezɜːt] n. 沙漠
dissert   [dɪ'sɜːt]  v. 写论文;论述
:desert(抛弃)作为动词时的发音与dessert(甜点)一样的哦~dessert和desert中的“s”都发/z/的音,但dissert(论述)却发/s/,一定要注意哦!另外,除了desert,名词和动词时发音不同的还有record,present [比心]

10.【pat  |  tap  |  slap  |  rap】
pat   [pæt]  n./v. 轻拍
tap   [tæp]  n. 水龙头;轻拍  v. 轻拍;轻敲
slap   [slæp] n./v. 掴掌,拍击
rap   [ræp]  n./v. 拍击;交谈

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